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Facebook status for cancer?


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I s anyone else seeing these cancer statuses that only women post on facebook? Last year it was the color of their bra, this year it something like "I like in on the bed" or "I like it in the counter"....I notice the trend here, women can't fool me lol


If no one on your facebook is doing this, then you might think I am crazy. Which brings me to this, you guys seeing this on facebook as well?

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It's not related to cancer at all.


I think they DID fool you, actually. :lol:

Or did they? lol

I know it has to do with breast cancer awareness, since its the same time every year. Last year the bra color made sense, but purses have nothing to do with breasts, or cancer lol

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lol, yea, that status has absolutely nothing to do with breast cancer. I want to know who was the genius that thought it was a good campaign idea.


Guys started putting sandwich statuses like xx did lol

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