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Cousins Disses Favors Out of Disbelief


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”I believe everything happens for a reason,” Cousins said. ”But I can’t wait to play them because I’m going at their necks, especially the big that got picked before me.”


That ”big” is Georgia Tech power forward Derrick Favors(notes), who was selected by the Nets third overall. Favors was the only post player selected among the top four picks. Considering the Nets’ most heralded player is center Brook Lopez(notes), drafting another true center like Cousins didn’t make sense for the team’s needs.


After Cousins scored 16 points and grabbed 16 rebounds in his preseason debut against Phoenix, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when he learned Favors had four points and one rebound in 13 minutes against Philadelphia earlier that night.


”I’m trying to see what’s so special,” Cousins said of Favors. ”…I guess that’s what they really needed on their team. I really don’t know. ‘

”I feel I was the best big to come out of college. For another big to get picked before me, I have a problem with that.”



I love Cousins' competitive spirit, I remember on draft day Coach Callipari was saying how Cousins will want to drop 40 on every team that passes on him in the draft. This kid is going to be great, I do believe he's going to end up better than Favors when it's all said and done.

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Love Cousins, love his competitive nature but its also his biggest fault at times. But if he can channel all of it and put it to good use, then he's going to be scary for a very long time.

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This is the same guy that said Bynum doesnt deserve to touch the championship trophy. I cant wait to see him get demolished by us this season.

Well, the Bynum comment was so far out in left field, I didn't know what to think. A healthy Drew would pick him apart in the paint.


But Favors is a little different, because there's a connection. I don't necessarily agree with Cousins coming out and running his mouth as much as he did (could've just said he feels he has something to prove, leaving it at that), but it makes a little more sense.

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Wasn't the reason Cousins not being picked top 3 was because of his attitude? I don't think anyone has denied his talents, but maybe getting passed on will be good for him, chip on the shoulder.


I think it was pretty obvious that the Nets took Favors for what he could be 5 years from now, not what he will do as a rookie, of course I wouldn't expect Cousins to look at it that way.

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Wasn't the reason Cousins not being picked top 3 was because of his attitude? I don't think anyone has denied his talents, but maybe getting passed on will be good for him, chip on the shoulder.


I think it was pretty obvious that the Nets took Favors for what he could be 5 years from now, not what he will do as a rookie, of course I wouldn't expect Cousins to look at it that way.

I don't really think it had anything to do with Cousins' attitude, to be honest. Wall and Turner were the two best players in college, and New Jersey had no reason to select a center in the draft (Cousins will be playing center until he loses weight). Because Favors seemed to be as good of a player as Cousins (and some considered him better), it was logical to take the same caliber player for a position that you need, rather than one you don't need to fill.


The guy that hit rock bottom because of his attitude was Caracter. He was a projected top 10 pick in the draft a couple of years back, almost went undrafted because of the way he acted. Similar story to John Gilchrist, if anyone remembers that monster of a point guard.

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Before the 2008 Draft, people were debating who should the Bulls took with the 1st pick.


My selection was Rose, a big reason was I saw attitude from Beasley that could directly lead to his approach to the game, practice, on and off court stuff.



I see a lot of similarities between this Cousins and that Beasley.


He'll still be a good player though, just like Nene, near All Star... but NOT an All Star.



Favors on the other hand will be a franchise player.

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The guy that hit rock bottom because of his attitude was Caracter. He was a projected top 10 pick in the draft a couple of years back, almost went undrafted because of the way he acted. Similar story to John Gilchrist, if anyone remembers that monster of a point guard.


Caracter wasn't exactly lighting it up in college when he did get on the court, either. He was projected so highly when he was in HS, but as we all know that isn't necessarily the best gauge. He does have incredible talent, though. I saw him throughout high school and ran with him in a scrimmage when I was in middle school at my basketball camp (which was ran by Kevin Boyle, the famous HS coach who Caracter played for).

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Caracter wasn't exactly lighting it up in college when he did get on the court, either. He was projected so highly when he was in HS, but as we all know that isn't necessarily the best gauge. He does have incredible talent, though. I saw him throughout high school and ran with him in a scrimmage when I was in middle school at my basketball camp (which was ran by Kevin Boyle, the famous HS coach who Caracter played for).

Yeah, I guess it's not too similar to Gilchrist, because he was an incredible PG in college, ranked right up there with Paul, Deron and Felton by some analysts.


I'd like to believe Caracter's problem in college was really his attitude, though. I remember hearing stories about how he practiced (or...didn't practice), and how he would drag his feet working out with the rest of the team. That will hurt your transition from high school to college, and in his case, it almost ruined his potential career as a pro.


Crazy that you played a scrimmage with him in middle school. I heard he was raising eyebrows then, too.

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Before the 2008 Draft, people were debating who should the Bulls took with the 1st pick.


My selection was Rose, a big reason was I saw attitude from Beasley that could directly lead to his approach to the game, practice, on and off court stuff.



I see a lot of similarities between this Cousins and that Beasley.


He'll still be a good player though, just like Nene, near All Star... but NOT an All Star.



Favors on the other hand will be a franchise player.


Beasley has nowhere near the competitive fire that Cousins has. Not even close.

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