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LeBron James new commerical


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I think he should just disappear :lol:


I like this commercial, but then I kinda don't, because it makes him look and think in his mind that he did nothing wrong.


Either way Nike is genius, can't wait to use this add in my sports marketing/marketing classes.

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The way LeBron went about making his decision was wrong but in the end he made a career and a business decision which clearly he is very happy with and at the end of the day it’s about winning a championship which should be every player’s goal. How he decides to go about is on LeBron.

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Great commercial. In the end it was his decision to make and he made it by moving on with his life to Miami while stomping on the hearts of millions of Cleveland sports fans. Yes it was really crummy for those fans but Lebron wasn't going to stay somewhere he really didn't want to for other people's enjoyment of a SPORT.

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Great commercial. In the end it was his decision to make and he made it by moving on with his life to Miami while stomping on the hearts of millions of Cleveland sports fans. Yes it was really crummy for those fans but Lebron wasn't going to stay somewhere he really didn't want to for other people's enjoyment of a SPORT.

Don't downplay the significance of a sport. Sure it can just be just a game to some, but in truth sports effect people's daily live, peoples morale, cities economies, and in some cases a city's or a whole nations faith.

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Wow guys, so you hate on him for making his choice, but you respect him again for a commercial? I don't mind people not hating him, but that was a pretty easy way to win people back if you ask me lol

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I'm not gonna lie, that is a good commercial.


I'm indifferent though. However, if he didn't handle everything the way he did and followed up with this comemrcial, I'd be tempted to still like him.


But since that's now how it all played out, I see right through this subliminal message. I know the type of person he is, and he's right - he isn't a role model.

Edited by Cleveland's Finest
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He's not trying to back away from the situation, he adds more fuel to the fire and clearly he enjoys doing it lol..... the commercial reinforces how much fun he is having with the unbelievable amount of attention and anticipation.


It all can be avoided, but he's not doing anything illegal he's just being annoying.

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