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Awesome discussion so far

Real Deal

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This is great stuff guys! Keep up the activity and quality discussion. That being said, let's also get some more members in here. Like I stated, I'm going to work really hard at getting more quality posters into the forums starting today. We can keep bolstering the site, and getting more NBA fans into OTR. Keep it up guys!

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People always try to write us off in the off-season, but there is nothing to discuss during the off-season other than NFL and MLB. NBA season starts and our activity is crazy high(we would be even higher if we didn't lose our two biggest threads do to the server mishap. We had 2000 views on the Heat/Celtics game!)

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Not to be a downer here because the discussion has been fantastic but I can't help but feel that a large part of it is due to the free League Pass preview. This same thing happened last year and once the preview was gone, overall gameday discussion significantly dropped. Maybe I'm wrong because our fanbase has grown since then. Anyways lets make it different this year guys, keep this momentum going throughout the season.

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Yeah, since the openning night the discussion has really taken a huge step forward. Good work guys! I haven't really had a lot of time since the openning night as I've been watching games and playing 2k11, lol.

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Not to be a downer here because the discussion has been fantastic but I can't help but feel that a large part of it is due to the free League Pass preview. This same thing happened last year and once the preview was gone, overall gameday discussion significantly dropped. Maybe I'm wrong because our fanbase has grown since then. Anyways lets make it different this year guys, keep this momentum going throughout the season.

I don't think not having LP is going to stop people from watching every game ;)

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