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Lebron and turnovers


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he will be fine, just timings of passes are off for the most part, chemistry isn't 100% with team


at one point was lookin for haslem who jumped for the alley-oop but bron dropped a pass down low, under him...tryin to figure out where his teammates (other than Z) like the ball

Edited by Clutch
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Yeah, it's all chemistry. For example, against the Celtics there was a play where he was kind of pushing it in transition (not a full-blown fastbreak), and he tried passing it to Wade thinking he'd be standing out by 3 like his teammates on the Cavs, but instead Wade made a hard cut to the basket. Tonight, as Clutch mentioned, he made a drive to the basket, saw Haslem cutting baseline, and he tried a bounce pass to him like he would Varejao, but instead Haslem was going for the alley oop (which is a pass Wade always makes, just like he did for LeBron tonight, which he couldn't finish on).

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Yeah its just chemistry.. once he plays with the team more and gets to know there styles and what their used to better.. basically get on the same page he will cut down on his turnovers and be more of the player we are expecting him to be this year. at this point its all about chemistry ;)

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Personally what I've seen is that he's trying to make every play a big, highlite type of play. He just needs to slow down, and play basketball. Just because you have three great players on a team, doesn't mean that you have to make every play a big one. When he finally slows himself down, and gets back to playing ball, he'll be fine.

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Its just the chemistry. Lebron is trying too hard to get people involved, he is not used to all the attention being spread around rather than all of it being on him and having open teammates. He is getting a lot of 1 on 1 matchups and instead of being aggressive, he is looking for cutters and most of the time they aren't on the same page. It will definitely improve.

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Like everybody else has already said, chemistry is obvioulsy the major reason for his turnover woes so far this season, but I also think that he is really forcing the issue and pressing on the floor. After all of the scrutiny he was under this offseason after leaving Cleveland and all of the criticism he received, I think he wanted to come out and start the season off with a huge bang, and as a result, he is forcing his game too much (same with Wade, and, to a lesser extent, Bosh).


Once he and the rest of the team get more comfortable playing with each, understand each others tendancies, get a regular rotation set, establish an appropriate pace etc... I'm sure we will see James' turnovers go down and we will see guys like Bosh and Wade playing better as well.

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