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Rookie of the Year

Check my Stats

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we should have an award every 3 months or something to the best new member... could encourage activity among new members. mvp member every 3 months would be cool too, we just need an award that owuld be enough to have people actually want, I don't mean cash, but maybe like a different coloured name or where it says OTRSTAFF for some people have it say MVP or ROTY or something.


not sure how it'd be decided... maybe RD would nominate 5 guys and we vote... or RD just picks... or maybe this is just a bad idea overall lol.

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well only since the restart, but I don't usually pay attention to stuff that isn't related to basketball.


I just want guys to not only be active, but try and post some quality, not just everything that is on the wiretap. giving them a cool little title would probably be enough. this was more designed for the new members, but I figured an MVP thing would be pretty cool too.

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well only since the restart, but I don't usually pay attention to stuff that isn't related to basketball.


I just want guys to not only be active, but try and post some quality, not just everything that is on the wiretap. giving them a cool little title would probably be enough. this was more designed for the new members, but I figured an MVP thing would be pretty cool too.


Well we have end of the year awards that are meant for exactly what you are talking about so this imo is really not needed.

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It's definitely not a bad idea. It would be worth considering, but if it would interfere with the yearly awards I say don't worry about it. Granted, it might help the activity a bit, but I doubt it would be enough to really warrant worrying too much about it.

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