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Alcohol and Cigars

Oliver P

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  On 11/1/2010 at 10:25 PM, Yugo the TEЯЯИБЛE said:











Purple drank ^.^


Purple drank sucks and tastes like crap. I would need to take every single one of those bottles to feel anything. Two of those OC's that I posted will get me nice.



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Beer wise, I only [expletive] with http://media.rd.com/rd/images/rdc/slideshows/st-patricks-day-beer/st-patricks-beer-stella-artois-ss.jpg.

I like my whiskey http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm30/RoaNGeLy/chivas-regal-1.jpg.

Smoking is not really my thing, but if I do.. it's a Newport.

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BL is my drink of choice, but honestly I will drink about anything. Although hard alcohol isnt really my thing anymore I can still drink it. BTW Patron is nasty, worst investment I have ever made still have a little left over in the freezer from Cinco De Mayo haha. Last weekend just pollished off a bottle of Hennesy and I wouldnt really reccomend that either haha idk why rappers talk about them so much they both kinda suck. Im by far a beer man but I got a little captain in me at times. Caribu Lou will [expletive] your night up too haha. Idk im just down to party

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haha now this is my kind of topic..






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  On 11/1/2010 at 8:10 PM, Flash said:


I love tequila as well but I never tasted Patron. I can't find any where I live. I really want to taste it one day cause several people told me that it was the best tequila. So far my favorite one is Jose Cuervo.



  On 11/1/2010 at 8:26 PM, Lil said:

don't smoke at all. i started smoking when i was like 11... quit really easily after about 1 year and haven;t smoked since then.


Dam 11, that's very young man... I would have never started smoking at that age.



  On 11/2/2010 at 7:31 PM, bloo said:

Beer wise, I only [expletive] with http://media.rd.com/rd/images/rdc/slideshows/st-patricks-day-beer/st-patricks-beer-stella-artois-ss.jpg.


I love Belgium beer. Definitely among my favorites. Stella is alright but there are a lot of belgium beer that I like more though... My personal favorites are Grimbergen and Leffe.


I like my whiskey http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm30/RoaNGeLy/chivas-regal-1.jpg.

Smoking is not really my thing, but if I do.. it's a Newport.


One of the rare Whiskies that I never tasted lol. Well many people told me that Chivas wasn't great... Besides I ain't a big fan of blended Whisky, except for Johnny Walker (especially Black). And Famous Grouse. But overall my favorite Scoth are the Single Malt. But even if I like it Scotch ain't my favorite anyhow, my two favorites are Bourbon, Tennesse Whiskey and Irish Whiskey.


I'll have to taste Chivas one day though.



  On 11/4/2010 at 6:31 PM, DrugMouse said:

haha now this is my kind of topic..





Nice I don't smoke cigarettes often (only once in a while, I used to smoke everyday but not any more, I prefer cigars and by far now and I don't even smoke cigars everyday in fact...) but when I do I smoke Marlboros for sure. And never tasted the rum that you posted, never heard of it. Looks good. So far I'd say that my favorite rums are Bacardi and Havana Club.

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i'll second the OP on the single barrel, great whiskey...


also a fan of johnny walker black and blue(on more rare occasions)


i'll even been known to take down some gentlemen jack




cheaper than single barrel but still smoother than regular jack

Edited by Game505
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  On 11/4/2010 at 10:27 PM, Guru™ said:

Hahaha captain is like one of the most common drinks over here in the US.^


Oh I see, well I guess that it's another drink that I'll definitely have to taste when I'll be in the US, with Patron haha.



  On 11/5/2010 at 3:07 AM, Game505 said:

i'll second the OP on the single barrel, great whiskey...


Since I post on these forums you're the first person I meet who already tasted Single Barrel. Nice lol. And yeah it's really an amazing one, I've tasted all kinds of Whiskey, even more expensive one, but none compare to this one IMO. Its color is outstanding... I always got a bottle of this one at home, you can be sure of that.


also a fan of johnny walker black and blue(on more rare occasions)


Blue ? Dam I never tasted that one. Always wanted to but I can't find any where I live. Same with Johnny Walker Gold, I'm sure that one must be awesome..


i'll even been known to take down some gentlemen jack




cheaper than single barrel but still smoother than regular jack


Yeah I heard of that one but I never tasted it, can't find any where I live as well... Guess I'll have to tasted a lot of drinks when I'll go to the US haha.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 8:20 PM, Oliver P said:

Blue ? Dam I never tasted that one. Always wanted to but I can't find any where I live. Same with Johnny Walker Gold, I'm sure that one must be awesome..

I'm saving blue for my 21st but I have tried all of the other ones.

Red - Decent, cheap, gets the job done

Black - My fav

Green - Very strong, hard to take down, but hits faster than the others

Gold - Decent, good for special occasions ... but not that special aka 20th bday

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I'm a beer drinker. I can only think of two or three times I drink straight liquor or alcohol, and that was Crown Royal or Grey Goose. Both were meh. I never even liked beer till about a year ago, but I love it now. I'll even come home and crack open a brew and get down to some homework. It's my soda.


Some beers I enjoy:








I've also tried (and enjoyed) Japanese beer. I also like Miller's Genuine Draft.

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  On 11/6/2010 at 5:31 AM, iBoldin said:

I'm a beer drinker. I can only think of two or three times I drink straight liquor or alcohol, and that was Crown Royal or Grey Goose. Both were meh. I never even liked beer till about a year ago, but I love it now. I'll even come home and crack open a brew and get down to some homework. It's my soda.


Some beers I enjoy:








I've also tried (and enjoyed) Japanese beer. I also like Miller's Genuine Draft.

Alcoholic! haha jk...i drink beer exclusively for the most part too... if you haven't tried...rolling rock is actually a good beer for it's price, and dos equis is pretty good by the way.

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  On 11/6/2010 at 3:44 PM, JYD said:

Alcoholic! haha jk...i drink beer exclusively for the most part too... if you haven't tried...rolling rock is actually a good beer for it's price, and dos equis is pretty good by the way.


I've heard of dos equis, but I've never had any. Rolling Rock is an America beer though, is it not? I doubt it's sold up here, but you never know.

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  On 11/6/2010 at 6:48 PM, iBoldin said:

I've heard of dos equis, but I've never had any. Rolling Rock is an America beer though, is it not? I doubt it's sold up here, but you never know.

Rollin Rock is great, I've passed by their factory in Jersey a couple of times.

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