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Favorite City to Visit?


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What is your favorite city to visit?


I would say my favorite is Chicago. My sister lives in the heart of downtown and it's just fun to be in that atmosphere everyday. Chicago has great food (big fan of the deep dish from Giordanos) and really great spots to just chill at night and look at the incredible view of the city. I am a media major so it's a very enticing place to settle down in with all the media it has, usually takes a backseat popularity wise when compared to LA and NY.


I have been three times now and it's always a great trip. The shopping is amazing (Niketown) went to a Cubs game which is just a beer-fest of fun lol and chilled at Navy Pier great weather in the summer a real [expletive] in the winter.


So any of you guys have a particular spot you like to visit when vacation time rolls around?

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Chicago for me as well. It's crazy all the time there. Just go outside and there's thousands of people walking around. Either Chicago or New York, but I really like the feel of Chicago better, more comfortable. It's not like people are pushing and shoving you to speed up either. It's just relaxed and enjoyable. I only live two hours away from it, so I do get to go there quite a bit. Indianapolis isn't that bad either if you go to the downtown mall. Other than that I got to give a shout out to Pensacola, Florida. The beach there is absolutely amazing.

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Mine is D.C. all the way! I've visited NYC a handful of times and I've been to Chicago once. Never been to LA, though. I like the melting pot in Washington, the proximity to a variety of towns, and the educational value of the city. Lots of museums, culture, and beautiful women! The Metro is much cleaner and smoother than the "proverbial" NYC subway system and it's not really that huge city feel goin on there.


Oh, Charlotte is quickly climbing my list of fav cities to visit.

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DA CHICAGO!!!!!!!! its just so amazing, you have soldier field and da united center in one city. Dey also got da best resturants, yummy polish sausage, deep dish chicago style square cuts pizza. Da lakefront view, da sears tower, no i refuse to call it willis cause dats just stupid.


But honorable mentinos, I would have to say

Orlando- soley if you include just the themeparks, including disney, though its technicacaly not in orlando, but w/e. The downtown area i dont care for, or other parts of the city. I LUV THEMEPARKS!!!!


San Fransico- Awseome city, great resturants, nice history, interesting folks, feels clean, i like it.

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Mine is D.C. all the way! I've visited NYC a handful of times and I've been to Chicago once. Never been to LA, though. I like the melting pot in Washington, the proximity to a variety of towns, and the educational value of the city. Lots of museums, culture, and beautiful women! The Metro is much cleaner and smoother than the "proverbial" NYC subway system and it's not really that huge city feel goin on there.


Oh, Charlotte is quickly climbing my list of fav cities to visit.


DC also has the highest murder rate, and the biggest AIDS rate.

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Well I would love to say New York but I can't... Cause I've never been there so far lol. I've always been attracted by Big Apple, since I can't remember in fact, but I've never had the opportunity to go there... Well I was supposed to go to New York this year in fact. I was unemployed lately and I told myself at the beginning of the year that I would go to New York if I was still unemployed in October/November. Unfortunately (or rather fortunately lol) I'm not any more so I will not be able to go this year as well. I hope I'll be able to go to NYC next year. For me it's the greatest city ever, I've always been fascinated by this city as I said, I even plan to live there some day.


Well anyway so far I've only been to Spain, Italy and everywhere in France. Can't say that I particularly loved any cities I visited, well I'd say that Marseille, Paris and Barcelona are probably the best ones. I ain't a big fan of Paris though, I mean I like it but I couldn't live there. A lot of people there are jerks who ain't friendly whatsoever (they sure don't like tourists...), and all believe (as a lot of people in France sadly) that Paris is the greatest city on Earthy which I find quite laughable to be honest... As for Marseille (I was born there), I've always liked this city but it ain't as great as it used to be though...


So I can't really say that I particularly love to visit one city in particular, that is among the cities I've been to so far. I've always been more attracted by American cities anyhow (New York at first but not only). After I go to New York I plan to go all around the US, I'm sure I'm gonna love it. Other than New York I've always wanted to see cities like Chicago, Phila, Boston, Minneapolis and St Paul, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and well everywhere else basically.

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San Fransico- Awseome city, great resturants, nice history, interesting folks, feels clean, i like it.


Only negative is the weather, it's always [expletive]ty in San Francisco. Always cloudy and rainy, atleast every time that I've visited.


LA is where its at.


I agree. It has everything that a big city, like New York, has to offer, only difference is the warm weather on a year round basis.


With all that said, I'm going to London this summer, and I know I'm going to fall in love it. The accents and women are to die for. :)

Edited by Confidence
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