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Thoughts on Evan Turner?

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I'm not asking for thoughts on his production, I am asking for thoughts (from Philly fans mainly) on how he has looked. I watched him vs Toronto and I really wasn't really all that impressed. I am not sure what made him so successful in college (didn't watch) but it doesn't seem to be translating in the pros; mind you, it has only been 10 games, so by no means is this meant to be a troll thread or a thread to trash ET.


I just wanna know what Sixers fans think of this kid. What does he do well, what can he do better, etc.

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He's not really going to break out until Iguodala is gone to be honest...because he doesn't mesh well with him at all.



Great rebounder, good ball handler and passer. Jump shot needs work..needs to be more aggressive.

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He does everything, but he doesn't do it well enough to stand out.


His success in college was mainly due to that, though. If you can do everything good, you're going to make it big in college basketball. Once you get to the pros, though, you have to be able to do at least one thing great to be able to stand out among the rest.


You look at John Wall, for instance...he can pass, and he's one of the fastest players in the NBA. Those are two aspects of his game that translated well to the pros.


Turner can score the ball, pass, defend, to the point where he looks like a poor man's Brandon Roy...but he's having to do this against 350-400 of the best players in the world, so something has to improve to the point where he's got an advantage over others in at least one department of his game.

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Hayden (New York)


Who has been the most disappointing rookie in your eyes thus far?


Chad Ford (1:15 PM)


Evan Turner by a mile. But I'm also surprised Wes Johnson hasn't been better. I didn't think he'd be a superstar, but I thought he'd contribute more to a bad team right away.


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Second guessing the pick is stupid. At the time, there was 99% consensus to take Turner. Just because he has sucked is no reason to say it was a bad pick. It was absolutely the right pick at the time.

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