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LeBron - "We're not having fun at all"

Big Penny

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"We're not having fun at all," James said.


Because of the spotlight?


"No, not for me," James said. "I mean, I've been in the spotlight for a long time, and I've continued to have fun. And I've kind of gotten away from it, but I need to get it back."


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Hmm, this is bad news for the Heat. If they aren't having fun, then is it possible that later on they might start turning and pointing fingers at each other? I know it doesn't look like Wade, Bosh, and James can all co-exist, so will there be some changes coming? I could see Bosh getting traded to acquire more pieces to build around James and Wade...but that's about all I can see them being able to get done. What changes do you see coming roster-wise in Miami? Or do you not see any?

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Hmm, this is bad news for the Heat. If they aren't having fun, then is it possible that later on they might start turning and pointing fingers at each other? I know it doesn't look like Wade, Bosh, and James can all co-exist, so will there be some changes coming? I could see Bosh getting traded to acquire more pieces to build around James and Wade...but that's about all I can see them being able to get done. What changes do you see coming roster-wise in Miami? Or do you not see any?

if one person does need to go it's either Wade or LeBron imo. i don't think both can co-exist unless they change their games drastically. but it's still too early anyways, it's a long season


thread title sucks. he's not having fun because they aren't winning. he isn't saying Miami isn't fun.

that contributes absolutely nothing to this thread.

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if one person does need to go it's either Wade or LeBron imo. i don't think both can co-exist unless they change their games drastically. but it's still too early anyways, it's a long season



that contributes absolutely nothing to this thread.

I think getting rid of your terrible spin on the quote and clarifying what it means does contribute to this thread.

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He's not, it just looks misleading since these pop up in a Twitter feed. LeBron saying "we're not having fun at all" and "Miami is no fun" are different things.

i get his point and all, but PMing a mod, or discussing the topic and then putting a little 'don't you reckon the thread title is a little misleading?' at the end would have been smarter and much more useful than making a post just to say "thread title sux.".


anyways, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand. its changed now :)

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Seems like the team chemistry here will decrease by a bunch, in games, sometimes your gonna fun but sometimes your gonna be serious. I see no championship team this year, not with the complaints and confusions on the court. Its gonna at least take a couple of years.

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It makes me laugh. I remember when they talked to the whole Miami fans and LeBron is like: ' we gonna win not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 not 6 not 7 (championships)' Well I call that BULL****! He thought that playing with 2 stars would make him win championships but he was too optimistic.

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They're going through a rough patch. I don't think it has anything to do with team chemistry or how much they like one another. When you lose on a buzzer beater and then get beat down at home by an average team, that isn't fun at all.

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It makes me laugh. I remember when they talked to the whole Miami fans and LeBron is like: ' we gonna win not 1 not 2 not 3 not 4 not 5 not 6 not 7 (championships)' Well I call that BULL****! He thought that playing with 2 stars would make him win championships but he was too optimistic.


How many games into the season are we?

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Well, he's only coached the Heat for two years, and part of this season (so, 190 games including playoffs), so I'm not sure about that.


Its not like this stance on Spo is anything new. His handling of Michael Beasley was horrific. He's never instituted a real offensive system because he had Wade to carry his [expletive] for 2 seasons while playing the best ball of his career.


I hope Rothstein follows him right out the door as well.

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Its not like this stance on Spo is anything new. His handling of Michael Beasley was horrific. He's never instituted a real offensive system because he had Wade to carry his [expletive] for 2 seasons while playing the best ball of his career.

The only offense that makes sense for this team is the triangle. Anyone can sit there and disagree, but I've had people laughing when I said their defense was still going to be an issue, that they were all help defenders, that the trio was basically three of the same player (minus height and weight), that they would struggle, etc.


The triangle offense would give LeBron a Pippen role, featuring Wade as the scorer and Bosh, Arroyo and Big Z hitting open shots. Every single player I named (in that five) can pass the ball, and they all know how to practice effective spacing, ESPECIALLY LeBron (the reason why Cleveland won so many games).


They can score 100 points per game, but their offense is inconsistent. When they apply defensive pressure, they are so focused on help and closing in on shooters, they wear themselves down and fail to, basically, outscore the opponent.


Because the triangle relies heavily on spacing and passing the ball (12-15 feet of spacing between each player, five able-bodied passers), and because LeBron is one of the best fast break defenders in the NBA, you put the ball in James' hands, force him to facilitate this offense, make Wade your primary scorer, and drop one back on defense (LeBron) and have four crashing the glass.


The only problem is, there are a handful of coaches (meaning, two head coaches and a handful of assistants) that can coach the triangle. Jackson and Rambis, with Cleamons, Hamblen, maybe Shaw. Tex Winter will never coach again. Riley would never attempt it, and would rather coach them like he did Showtime (which could be a mistake as well).


With what they are trying to run, they need a true post scoring threat, and they need more on-ball defenders. Otherwise, their season will be over when they run into Boston or Orlando in the playoffs.

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