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Hill Hopes to Earn Multi-Year Deal with Suns

The Lone Granger

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Grant Hill hopes to earn a multi-year contract with the Suns after this season.




"I feel good. I feel I can play in terms of that nature,'' Hill said. "They might have some sort of rule [in the new CBA] for guys over 38. But who knows? Yeah, I want to play as long as possible." Hill is averaging 14.1 points on career-best 53% shooting, as he continues to extend his once injury-plagued career.




With the way he has been playing, he will get a multi-year deal. Why not? Hill still has some game left in him, and his legs aren't as tired as his age says they should be because of how much he had to sit with different injuries. Should be interesting to see how this situation go, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them sign him to a three-year contract. I would if I were Phoenix.



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He's the second best player on that team, and rightfully deserves the contract. I'm amazed with the way he has been able to maintain his body even at the age of 38.


At this point, J-Rich is a better player than Hill.


As someone else mentioned, unless the Suns make a few moves to be in contention for a championship, it'd be foolish to resign Hill. The Suns should start to look at rebuilding, and signing a 38 year-old player to a multi-year deal would be silly. Besides, even if he does get that contract, he won't get a chance to win a championship his last few seasons. For both he and the Suns sake, he should find his way onto LA, Boston, Miami, Orlando, etc once his contract expires.

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With the amount of salary they committed this past off-season they are almost obligated to try and be a playoff team. That is why I was/am so baffled that they let Amare walk, or wouldn't offer him the 5/100 guaranteed. They let him walk, then commit close to 100M so to like 3 or 4 role players.


This organization managed to ruin a 50+ win team in the matter of 3 months.

Edited by Check my Stats
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Despite being one of the oldest player of the NBA, Hill has been really impressing thus far. He deserves a multi-year deal but I don't understand why he doesn't want to join a contending team like the Lakers or the Celtics. I don't understand his logic. My logic would be to win a ring or more rings before retiring. I guess he just wants to keep playing with Steve Nash and getting those easy looks

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