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Ric Bucher Says Rockets Have "No untouchables."


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Highly doubt Miami trades away Bosh so quickly. Anyways there was a very interesting quote from Morey in a interview with Rockets.com's Jason Friedman.


JCF: Speaking of that, do you feel as if this is the make or break month in terms of how you decide to move forward this season?


DM: Well I think it is a make or break month for the team, but I don’t think this month changes how we’re looking at the big picture. We’re trying to win a championship and every move we make is toward that, so I don’t think one month will change much on that end. But it sure does change how our season looks, though. We’re going to have to really have a great December to get back into this thing.


I agree that is definitely a make or break month for us and its good to hear that Morey isn't going to be delusional about making the playoffs if we do continue to lose.

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Highly doubt Miami trades away Bosh so quickly. Anyways there was a very interesting quote from Morey in a interview with Rockets.com's Jason Friedman.


I agree that is definitely a make or break month for us and its good to hear that Morey isn't going to be delusional about making the playoffs if we do continue to lose.


I disagree to a cretain extent. It becomes a make or break month after our squad gets full healthy, before that I really dont think it makes a difference.

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Scola, Lowery, and Battier for Bosh? I would love that sooo much.


Potential starting line up:


YaoBrad Miller






I like!


Because we all know Yao is one trip over the suitcase away from missing the season!


I disagree to a cretain extent. It becomes a make or break month after our squad gets full healthy, before that I really dont think it makes a difference.


You realize we have to win 65% or so of our remaining games? Can you imagine how deep of a hole the Rockets would be in if they have another subpar month? Morey himself realizes the kind of situation we're in. Sadly we don't have the luxury of playing in the East.

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I love the confidence but I agree with Dash reality is sinking in fast and the Rockets have some serious work to do.


I also agree with Dash when it comes to Yao, putting him in any future plans just makes no sense anymore. We keep talking about how great the lineup will be if X Y and Z superstar pairs up with Yao Ming, yet again reality has sunk in and it's sad to see but Yao Ming is not a realistic option anymore. I don't want to sound like we are just throwing in the towel on a hard worker but I was glad when Tracy got traded and I will be glad when Yao's contract ends, I am pretty much over this Tmac Yao era I want to see the Rockets move on.


I wouldn't mind having Yao sign a small contract and be a bench guy, but I am over the whole "when Yao comes back this team has a great squad to pair with him" lol it's a true statement but how long can a team wait for a guy who just can't realistically be built around because stability doesn't exist.

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Because we all know Yao is one trip over the suitcase away from missing the season!


You better go knock on wood!


You realize we have to win 65% or so of our remaining games? Can you imagine how deep of a hole the Rockets would be in if they have another subpar month? Morey himself realizes the kind of situation we're in. Sadly we don't have the luxury of playing in the East.




If we can go on a 20+ game winning streak without Yao we sure as hell can do it with him.

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I love the confidence but I agree with Dash reality is sinking in fast and the Rockets have some serious work to do.


I also agree with Dash when it comes to Yao, putting him in any future plans just makes no sense anymore. We keep talking about how great the lineup will be if X Y and Z superstar pairs up with Yao Ming, yet again reality has sunk in and it's sad to see but Yao Ming is not a realistic option anymore. I don't want to sound like we are just throwing in the towel on a hard worker but I was glad when Tracy got traded and I will be glad when Yao's contract ends, I am pretty much over this Tmac Yao era I want to see the Rockets move on.


I wouldn't mind having Yao sign a small contract and be a bench guy, but I am over the whole "when Yao comes back this team has a great squad to pair with him" lol it's a true statement but how long can a team wait for a guy who just can't realistically be built around because stability doesn't exist.


You also need to BELIEVE!

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You better go knock on wood!






If we can go on a 20+ game winning streak without Yao we sure as hell can do it with him.


I know that the Rockets have been full surprises the past couple of years but I feel like all the fun and games are over for us, not enough left in the tank. No identity, defense or consistency is a recipe for disaster. I just don't see how the Rockets are going to get themselves out of this one. Blind hope isn't going to get us anywhere but bring more disappointment.


If the Rockets go on a 5 game winning streak then I'll start to show some belief in them, but honestly I don't even think we can accomplish that.


I love the confidence but I agree with Dash reality is sinking in fast and the Rockets have some serious work to do.


I also agree with Dash when it comes to Yao, putting him in any future plans just makes no sense anymore. We keep talking about how great the lineup will be if X Y and Z superstar pairs up with Yao Ming, yet again reality has sunk in and it's sad to see but Yao Ming is not a realistic option anymore. I don't want to sound like we are just throwing in the towel on a hard worker but I was glad when Tracy got traded and I will be glad when Yao's contract ends, I am pretty much over this Tmac Yao era I want to see the Rockets move on.


I wouldn't mind having Yao sign a small contract and be a bench guy, but I am over the whole "when Yao comes back this team has a great squad to pair with him" lol it's a true statement but how long can a team wait for a guy who just can't realistically be built around because stability doesn't exist.


Good post, sums it up.

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You also need to BELIEVE!


Lol I can't even hate I agree with you on that at the end of the day.


I will always believe no doubt and be very bias no matter how bad things are going lol Dash knows that from the over optimistic messages I send him sometimes on his profile page.


I will say I am not giving up on them this season, but I am truly ready for the Yao Ming era to come to a close. So much has revolved around Tmac and Yao lets just call it a busted experiment and move on. I know Les makes a lot of money through Yao Ming but this city needs to end it's mediocrity asap the Texans are a tease the Astros absolutely suck and the Rockets have solid pieces but no star.

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I know that the Rockets have been full surprises the past couple of years but I feel like all the fun and games are over for us, not enough left in the tank. No identity, defense or consistency is a recipe for disaster. I just don't see how the Rockets are going to get themselves out of this one. Blind hope isn't going to get us anywhere but bring more disappointment.


If the Rockets go on a 5 game winning streak then I'll start to show some belief in them, but honestly I don't even think we can accomplish that.


Good post, sums it up.


The Rockets do have my attention now but I still don't like our chances.


I know you BELIEVE!

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Kevin Martin, Jordan Hill, Patrick Patterson top my list of players I think we should keep (they can go for the right place though). Whether Aaron Brooks gets traded this season comes down to how the team plays as a whole with him manning the point. The same goes for the rest of the Rockets players, this next month will determine their future as Houston Rockets. So far we're off to a good start but things could easily go south.

Edited by Dash
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Kevin Martin, Jordan Hill, Patrick Patterson top my list of players I think we should keep (they can go for the right place though). Whether Aaron Brooks gets traded this season comes down to how the team plays as a whole with him manning the point. The same goes for the rest of the Rockets players, this next month will determine their future as Houston Rockets. So far we're off to a good start but things could easily go south.


Stop being so negative lol. We are off to a good start and it will stay that way!

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The reality is that we are only 3 games out of the playoffs (i think) with over 60 games still to play. Stop making it sound like our season is done.


There are 12 teams in the West that can contend for the playoffs and right now Houston is the worst of them. We played great in our last 3 out of 4 games but I'm not ready to jump on the bandwagon till we show some consistency. Besides I never said that our season is over, only that this is a make or break month for us.

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Bit that mentions the Rockets:


With trade discussions typically heating up around the 20-game mark -- and also around Dec. 15, when summer free agents become trade-eligible -- execs league-wide are curious to learn what sort of trade climate will exist in light of the labor uncertainty. Many predict that teams that have typically been willing to take on salary between December and the trade deadline (Feb. 24) will be less willing (or unwilling) to do so in this environment. Similarly, teams performing below management's internal expectations (Houston, the Clippers, the Blazers) have a tough decision to make. They could try to fix their problems now, but without knowing what the rules will be under the new agreement, they don't know what conditions they’re planning for. Of the aforementioned teams, the Blazers are in the best position to dump salary because of the attractiveness of the contracts they'd be moving. Plus, Miller's value is not only in his contract, but in his ability to push a contending team in need of a steadying point-guard presence over the top. Full disclosure: this is my idea, not anybody else's, but Orlando would be the perfect landing spot for Miller depending on what the Magic would be willing to send back.



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