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Heat Have Won 7 Straight Games

The Lone Granger

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The Miami Heat have shed that disappointing start to the season and have now won 7 straight games. The main part of this to me isn't the fact that they are on a winning streak, but how they are winning these games. They're playing great team basketball, and they look like they are listening to the coach, and also they have turned to an up-tempo game. I don't think they can play in the half court very effectively, and it's about time they experimented with the run and gun game and it's working. They're winning these games very handily, and it should be very interesting to see how they keep playing this year.



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Make it 8 games, another blowout.


The Heat are looking really, really good right now. Besides making it a premium to get out and run, there have been a few other changes that have made a big impact. First, and most importantly, Wade and LeBron are co-existing and playing aggressively together in the same game. Both guys are pushing the tempo and creating havoc on the fastbreak, but LeBron has also been more aggressive in getting to the rim in halfcourt sets, and Wade in general has been a lot more involved in the offense (i.e- getting a lot more opportunities to run the offense, and not standing around everytime LeBron has the ball). Secondly, the return of Mario Chalmers and the addition of Erick Dampier have also made an impact. Even though Chalmers isn't shooting well from the field (sub-40%), he is a massive defensive improvement over Arroyo and House, and his athleticism works well into the Heat's new-found run-and-gun system. As for Dampier, the addition of his size, defense and rebounding ability have helped fill those massive holes in the Heat's game. I understand he hasn't gotten many minutes yet, but he does a few important things; he is the only Heat player that consistently looks for a man to box out when a shot goes up, he has more speed to rotate on defense than Z and a lot more size and strength to bother shot attempts around the rim than Anthony, and he helps create 2nd chance opportunities on the offensive glass. By the time the playoffs roll around, assuming the Heat don't make any major roster moves, I expect him to get around 20-25 minutes per game.


It's going to be interesting to see how Mike Miller will fit in once he returns (which should be within the next 2 weeks I believe). Once he returns and learns his niche in this offense, they are going to be even more of a handful.

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Hate to be the negative one but they are playing teams that should beat.


The combine record is 75-111. The only team they beat that is elite was the Jazz. The only team the Hawks beat with a challenge was Orlando. They have a pretty easy road right now and they are using it to finally find some balance.

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If they can run a young team like the Warriors and Kings to death, there is nothing stopping them from doing the same to the good "experienced" teams. Hopefuly it works the same way. Wade and Lebron have both been on fire lately, and Bosh has been playing his third wheel role.

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If they can run a young team like the Warriors and Kings to death, there is nothing stopping them from doing the same to the good "experienced" teams.


Not true. The experienced teams that are contenders won't be killed by the Heat on the boards like the Warriors and Kings, and they won't play to the Heat's strengths by jacking up bad, quick shots...both factors will force the Heat to slow the tempo down.

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Not true. The experienced teams that are contenders won't be killed by the Heat on the boards like the Warriors and Kings, and they won't play to the Heat's strengths by jacking up bad, quick shots...both factors will force the Heat to slow the tempo down.

Well yea I know that. But when the other team makes the shot, we are always quick to inbound and find Wade or Lebron.

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I still have my concerns. LeBroshane combined for 75 last night; that's 72% of the total points scored by Miami. no one else is really contributing much. outside of the big three, Chalmers had the most points (8). I still think this team could beat anyone, but they have a lot to work on, still.


Remember, no Mike Miller yet. And did you expect anything different though? Those 3 can be so dominant that no one else really has to have terrific games.

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I really like

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When people ask me my thoughts on the Miami Heat, the first thing that comes into my head is Tamia....


One thing to be wary about. Aside from an impressive win over the Jazz, let's see how Miami plays against some of the better teams in the league.


I think their talent will overwhelm the Hornets and the Knicks but towards the end of the month Dallas comes to Miami and the Heat go to LA. THOSE are barometer games to see how cohesive the Heat are. I'm sure the Lakers will take the game personally, and nobody in the league is playing like Dallas is right now. Dallas is playing some championship-caliber defense right now and Rick Carlisle isn't getting enough credit for that.

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I feel like we see the same thing every regular season from Dallas though. Win streaks and a high win total but at the end they just never come through in the playoffs.


I can't wait for Christmas though, that's going to be such an awesome game.

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I feel like we see the same thing every regular season from Dallas though. Win streaks and a high win total but at the end they just never come through in the playoffs.


I can't wait for Christmas though, that's going to be such an awesome game.

That's true, but I don't think we've ever seen their defense as good as it has been.


I personally don't see them beating LA because their offense stalls way too often, but if LA were to face a team like OKC or NOH in the first round, San Antonio in the second round, and Dallas in the third, that's a significantly tougher road that what they've faced in previous seasons. I'm not particularly sure they can beat all three of them in a row.


Dallas also plays great zone defense, something LA struggled with against the Suns last year in the playoffs. They also have the ability to control the glass against virtually any team in the league on a given night.

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I still have my concerns. LeBroshane combined for 75 last night; that's 72% of the total points scored by Miami. no one else is really contributing much. outside of the big three, Chalmers had the most points (8). I still think this team could beat anyone, but they have a lot to work on, still.

Thats expected....I am actually glad if they score that much every night. No one else on the team can really be trusted, so basically its all up to them. If they can't combine for a majority of the points, we will lose, because no one else on the team can score at will. Sure it sucks, but thats how the team was built.

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Thats expected....I am actually glad if they score that much every night. No one else on the team can really be trusted, so basically its all up to them. If they can't combine for a majority of the points, we will lose, because no one else on the team can score at will. Sure it sucks, but thats how the team was built.

I understand that, but did you guys even look at the box score?


Jones - 3 pts

House - 2 pts

Anthony - 2 pts

Dampier - 1 pts

Howard - 0 pts


it's like... wow.

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None of those guys can score though. The only guys who can score are Lebron, Wade, Bosh and Miller. Everyone elese needs to be set up. Its just like many other teams out there, one guy scores and the other guys support. We just have two guys that score a lot, instead of like 4 role players who chip in a few points

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The concern with the Heat not having anyone else scoring the ball will be most exposed when they play a team that can match intensity, on the defensive end, at the Heat's strongest positions. Right now, there are two teams that can...


Bosh - Gasol

LeBron - Artest or Barnes

Wade - Kobe


Bosh - Garnett

LeBron - Pierce

Wade - Allen


That's much different than something like...


Bosh - Thompson

LeBron - Greene

Wade - Evans


No matter how much the Kings try and push the tempo, the Heat are going to run them into the ground because there's nobody to stop the bleeding once it starts.


Not only that, but the Lakers and Celtics have those two extra all-star players (Odom and Rondo) that Miami has no answer for, and what could be the worst part, two true centers (Bynum and Shaq) that the Heat wish were injured for the entire season.


Plus, the guys defending the big three at their positions...five of the six can score 25-30+ if they needed to, two or three with the ability to hit 40+ points, so there will be no room to sacrifice defense for offense.

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Are we going to make a thread everytime the Heat win 7 straight because if we do we are going to have a lot of threads in the Heat forum lol this team should win 7 straight look at the players on the team. This is not news, go about your day people, nothing to see here.

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