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Rockets Looking at Anthony Randolph


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Anthony Randolph's value to the Knicks can't be measured in points and rebounds. Instead, he could be the guy who gets them Carmelo Anthony.


The Knicks have fielded calls from several Western Conference clubs regarding a deal for Randolph, according to a team source. The most compelling conversations have been with the Houston Rockets, who in one scenario would trade the Knicks the first-round pick they obtained in last year's Tracy McGrady deal.


"I believe in myself," Randolph said. "I've got faith in what I can do. Coaches dictate the minutes, so it's nothing I can control. Only thing I can control is how hard I work."


Of course, one theory is that with the Knicks finally winning, Walsh may be reluctant to mess with a good thing.


"I think that's Donnie decision," D'Antoni said regarding possible trades. "He's more removed from the situation. Coaches don't have a good perspective on when you need to do it and when you don't need to do it."


Anthony obviously possesses lots of talent and athleticism, but really hasn't found his home in the NBA yet.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/knicks/2010/12/11/2010-12-11_carmelo_anthony_in_knicks_sights_if_club_is_able_to_deal_anthony_randolph_for_a_.html#ixzz17p1qwpRn

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Rockets are smart. They know that Randolph is not happy with the Knicks right now and D'Antoni doesn't even play Anthony. So they're obviously interested in Randolph since this youngster got a lot of potential. Would be good for the Rockets to make that move since Yao Ming is not good anymore because of all these injuries (still is injured). He will help Scola Hill and Hayes and will give more depth to the Rockets' bench. Houston fans should really be excited about Randolph because if the Rockets bring him to town, Adelman is going to give him solid minutes imo.. and he's finally going to develop into a better player.. a better player that a lot of NBA followers expected him to be

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Please no. I thought his attitude and lack of a work ethic was just because of Don Nelson but he's been the same in New York. Besides don't we already have two power forward prospects to develop already?

Edited by Dash
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Rockets are smart. They know that Randolph is not happy with the Knicks right now and D'Antoni doesn't even play Anthony. So they're obviously interested in Randolph since this youngster got a lot of potential. Would be good for the Rockets to make that move since Yao Ming is not good anymore because of all these injuries (still is injured). by doing so, playing Randolph any amount of minutes would be tantamount to the Rockets giving up on the season. His presence will take minutes away from their best defender in Hayes, perhaps their best offensive player in Scola, and their best project in Hill. He will help Scola Hill and Hayes by playing ineffective defense, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, launching bad shots and being such an inhibitor to winning that the other three players will look terrific in comparison and will give more depth to the Rockets' bench. Houston fans should really be excited about Randolph because if the Rockets bring him to town, Adelman is going to give him solid minutes imo Adelman will become so frustrated with Randolph that he'll become a fourth stringer until the Rockets are eliminated from the playoffs... and he's finally going to develop into a better player if he works harder in practice where players truly become better players.. a better player that a lot of NBA followers expected him to be though nobody who watches him today expects him to be a halfway decent rotation player at least for another two years.


I just wanted to fix your post for accuracy.

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Please no. I thought his attitude and lack of a work ethic was just because of Don Nelson but he's been the same in New York. Besides don't we already have two power forward prospects to develop already?


Ding ding ding! Dash you win everything.


I really like what Hill is bringing offensively to the Rockets and he still has a lot to learn. Focus on developing Hill instead of bringing in all these projects. Besides, the Rockets can still make the playoffs.

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I don't necessarily agree with the over exaggeration.... I don't see how this makes the Rockets better either so I am not saying he's a good acquisition but the fact is he's got talent and he hasn't found a home yet I will stick by that comment I don't think he "sucks".

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If the Rockets want to make the playoffs, they aren't going to play all these kids who have no idea how to play defense, how to play five-man offenses, etc. They're struggling to hold place in the West as is. Then they want to add another long-term project for what purpose? To stash and hope develops? To play which will lead to losses? Jordan Hill has looked impressive, but his needing to learn the game is leading to points surrendered and possessions lost. Now you want another guy?


There are reasons teams like, I don't know, the Knicks aren't playing him. Organizations committed to winning games, don't play projects.


If the Rockets find themselves 9 back at the trade deadline, that's one thing, but unless they're tanking the season (which is hard to sell with so many veterans on the team), Randolph will just be a body. Worse, he'll be a body that costs a first round draft pick.

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His 27% shooting this year doesn't impress, he certainly has a lot of talent athleticism but I don't think he's ever going to 'get it'. The pick we would be trading for him (the 2012 Knicks first) would likely be in the 15-20 pick area (unless they sign Melo) in a supposedly deep draft. Throw in the fact that Houston also has their own first round draft that same year (same range but possibly higher if Morey ever goes into rebuilding mode) and Morey is in position to do some serious damage in the draft. Don't throw all that away for a bonehead like Randolph.

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well, the Warriors should have never traded him. he would have been great in their upbeat offense. unfortunately, NBA teams don't give young guys much of a chance if they can't impress immediately. so somehow, they thought paying David Lee $80M to be a 15/10 guy with no defense would be the better choice. sorry, I was strongly against that deal and had to vent real quick.


I could see Randolph fitting in well in Phoenix or Charlotte, but neither of those teams have desirable assets. if Denver was smart, they'd just trade Melo for Randolph, Galo, and a couple others, but... that's not gonna happen. the bottom line is this guy deserves a chance to play. not even being in a rotation is ridiculous.


His 27% shooting this year doesn't impress, he certainly has a lot of talent athleticism but I don't think he's ever going to 'get it'. The pick we would be trading for him (the 2012 Knicks first) would likely be in the 15-20 pick area (unless they sign Melo) in a supposedly deep draft. Throw in the fact that Houston also has their own first round draft that same year (same range but possibly higher if Morey ever goes into rebuilding mode) and Morey is in position to do some serious damage in the draft. Don't throw all that away for a bonehead like Randolph.

why do you call him a bonehead? what has he done to deserve that name?


of course he's going to have a low shooting percentage, dude. he's only taken 33 shots this whole damn year. when that happens, you're either going to have an inflated percentage or a deflated percentage. you can't base a guy's ability off 33 shots. when given a chance to play, Randolph can do great things. that's the problem, though - he hasn't been given much of a chance.

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He was unlucky with injuries in Golden State too, but he was never given a chance - in the rare cases that he was, he performed well for someone so raw.


I think he could really use a mentor, Nelson and now D'Antoni aren't great coaches to play under when you're young and developing, especially with the way they use their rotations. When he's comfortable and gets some time, he'll be a very decent player.


This kid is in the mold of JeVale McGee, he's an athletic freak with loads of potential.


As much of a believer I am of Randolph, the Rockets should have no business dealing away their pick or dealing for Randolph.

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well, the Warriors should have never traded him. he would have been great in their upbeat offense. unfortunately, NBA teams don't give young guys much of a chance if they can't impress immediately. so somehow, they thought paying David Lee $80M to be a 15/10 guy with no defense would be the better choice. sorry, I was strongly against that deal and had to vent real quick.


I could see Randolph fitting in well in Phoenix or Charlotte, but neither of those teams have desirable assets. if Denver was smart, they'd just trade Melo for Randolph, Galo, and a couple others, but... that's not gonna happen. the bottom line is this guy deserves a chance to play. not even being in a rotation is ridiculous.



why do you call him a bonehead? what has he done to deserve that name?


of course he's going to have a low shooting percentage, dude. he's only taken 33 shots this whole damn year. when that happens, you're either going to have an inflated percentage or a deflated percentage. you can't base a guy's ability off 33 shots. when given a chance to play, Randolph can do great things. that's the problem, though - he hasn't been given much of a chance.


See Blasco's post.

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