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Are you for or against the Wikileaks?


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With the wiki-leaks fiasco, are you for or against them? I myself am for it, reason is because I think its good to put our government official/leaders back in place. If you're afraid of getting caught for doing something, you shouldn't do it in the first place, as my mom used to say. I understand some people say this is a threat to security, but I believe the wiki-leaks people told the government if any of these papers would cause any harm if released, and the officials ignored them. I haven't heard of any case where the wiki-leaks has killed/harmed a person yet. People should not fear the government, as the government should fear the people. I'm interested in how this continues to play out, i know the government wants to make the wiki-leaks fall under the terrorism category so they can shut it down, it will be sad if it comes to this.

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you and I are probably the only ones in favor of the leaked documents. we could expose our government for the corrupt scum they really are, and yet people are mad at Assange of all people. get a grip - this has nothing to do with national security. they just don't want the public knowing their dirty, little secrets.

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There are some things normal citizens in this country should not know about, and that the government should only have access to.


Both Assange and the dumbass that gave him the access to the documents should be executed for their crimes.



What if there are secret documents about a plan for the U.S. and other countries to dismantle North Korea and Iran's nuclear plans? Well, that would just go out the window with these documents released.

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Agree with basically everything ECN said.


Also, this theory has been floating around for some time but does anyone think that the Obama admin might have let this come out to put a dark stain on Hilary Clinton especially with Obama's approval ratings being low and all the buzz about her possibly running in 2012 for the Democratic nomination?


There's a lot of smoke with these WikiLeaks. Let's see what ends up happening, should be interesting.

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Both Assange and the dumbass that gave him the access to the documents should be executed for their crimes.

lol @ wanting to kill someone for spreading the truth. that's why our country's on the verge of collapse. we just let the government and the fed do whatever the [expletive] they want and trust it's in our best interest. trust me, it's not. they're screwing us as I type. we as citizens must demand the truth should we wish to live free and happy.

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I get what you're saying, but unleashing all of these secrets right now would send our country into even more turmoil than its already in. If valuable information leaks it could weaken our national security and maybe even spread panic throughout the US. Do we really need that right now on top of all our other problems?

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lol @ wanting to kill someone for spreading the truth. that's why our country's on the verge of collapse. we just let the government and the fed do whatever the [expletive] they want and trust it's in our best interest. trust me, it's not. they're screwing us as I type. we as citizens must demand the truth should we wish to live free and happy.

I hear what you're sayng, but I hate when people make generalized comments like that. Like every single person in congress and the government is a bad guy, they're out to get us. Come on, it's not always like that.

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