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Verizon Confirms Sale Of iPhone 4


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Not good news for the Android.

won't really affect it. most people with android based phones have them because they do not like iOS. not to mention the restrictions Apple puts on apps in the app store compared to those you can get on Android.

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Damn. Someone told me they were going to have them on Saturday? Not til the end of February? Lol.


Oh well, It'll give me some time to save a few hundred dollars to buy one, lol.

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I'll take my Droid Pro over the iPhone. I already have a Touch, so getting 2 would be pointless. I have the best of both worlds

you'd have the best of both worlds if you had a nexus or something, not a droid pro :lol:

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you'd have the best of both worlds if you had a nexus or something, not a droid pro :lol:

My point wasn't that it's the best phone on the market, it's the fact that a lot of people would be stupid to buy this IF they have the iPod Touch [which a lot of people own, now.]

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the iPhone 4 is better than any of the iPod touches on the market though.

Without getting into all of the techy, gigahertz processors or w/e, it's a Touch with the ability to call, and that facetime thing. I would never use the facetime, and my Droid can call people, and it has a full keyboard. Having both a Touch and an iPhone just seems too redundant to me.

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