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Raptors Shopping Bargnani?

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From the Basketball Prospectus chat that is still on going here:





[Comment From Scott]

Any word from T-dot? Stein mentioned that Colangelo made Reggie Evans available. Anyone else on the market?


Sebastian Pruiti: I read that the team might try and move Bargnani, who is playing very well right now. Don't know if that was made up or was a rumor from a source. It doesn't make too much sense since they don't have much playing behind him. Evans definitely could be moved considering that he is an expiring contract who is a great rebounder.


I don't buy it at all. I can't imagine the day that Colangelo trades Bargnani. I'm sure when that happens LeBron James will announce he "is taking his talents to Canada".

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It's not impossible, but I just don't get that. Bargnani isn't going to bring Toronto a franchise player, and while he's not one himself OR a valuable center, he's still their best player to date, and the Raptors can't build around anyone else on the roster.


If there was any truth to this, it's because the Raptors are tanking, and they want to find out just how valuable he is, and what they would need to seek in the upcoming draft.

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