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8.9 Quake Hits Japan, Massive Tsunami follows


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Wow man, 109 quakes (aftershocks) since the 8.9 hit. Out of those 109, there have been 19 of them that are a 6.0 or greater, and 100 of them a 5.0 or greater, one being a 7.1 as well. :o




4 millon homes without power, and the Tsunami waters have reached 6 miles inward. :(

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CRESCENT CITY, CA (AP) - A tsunami swept at least five people watching the waves out to sea Friday and ripped docks out of harbors in California and Oregon, spreading the destruction of a devastating Japanese earthquake to the shores of the United States. SLIDESHOW: Quake, tsunami damage


Four people were rescued from the water in southern Oregon, but one man who was taking photos in Northern California was still missing Friday afternoon. Coast Guard helicopters searched for him near the mouth of the Klamath River in Del Norte County, Calif., but called his chances of survival slim in the cold, rough ocean.


The large waves shook loose boats and tore apart docks in at least two California harbors and one in Oregon, causing millions of dollars of damage.



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For example.....























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Quake moved Japan coast 8 feet; shifted Earth's axis

that's freaking crazy


this is something I saw on infowars today:


the lunar eclipse occurred exactly two years before 12/21/12, then there's this...


lots of lives lost on 9/11/01


lots of lives lost on 3/10/11


add them together, it's 12/21/12


just thought it was interesting, I still don't buy it...

Edited by Tha Truth
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that's freaking crazy


this is something I saw on infowars today:


the lunar eclipse occurred exactly two years before 12/21/12, then there's this...


lots of lives lost on 9/11/01


lots of lives lost on 3/10/11


add them together, it's 12/21/12


just thought it was interesting, I still don't buy it...



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10K dead in Japan amid fears of nuclear meltdowns


SENDAI, Japan – The estimated death toll from Japan's disasters climbed past 10,000 Sunday as authorities raced to combat the threat of multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns and hundreds of thousands of people struggled to find food and water. The prime minister said it was the nation's worst crisis since World War II.


Nuclear plant operators worked frantically to try to keep temperatures down in several reactors crippled by the earthquake and tsunami, wrecking at least two by dumping sea water into them in last-ditch efforts to avoid meltdowns. Officials warned of a second explosion but said it would not pose a health threat.


Near-freezing temperatures compounded the misery of survivors along hundreds of miles (kilometers) of the northeastern coast battered by the tsunami that smashed inland with breathtaking fury. Rescuers pulled bodies from mud-covered jumbles of wrecked houses, shattered tree trunks, twisted cars and tangled power lines while survivors examined the ruined remains.


One rare bit of good news was the rescue of a 60-year-old man swept away by the tsunami who clung to the roof of his house for two days until a military vessel spotted him waving a red cloth about 10 miles (15 kilometers) offshore.


The death toll surged because of a report from Miyagi, one of the three hardest hit states. The police chief told disaster relief officials more than 10,000 people were killed, police spokesman Go Sugawara told The Associated Press. That was an estimate — only 400 people have been confirmed dead in Miyagi, which has a population of 2.3 million.


According to officials, more than 1,800 people were confirmed dead — including 200 people whose bodies were found Sunday along the coast — and more than 1,400 were missing in Friday's disasters. Another 1,900 were injured.


For Japan, one of the world's leading economies with ultramodern infrastructure, the disasters plunged ordinary life into nearly unimaginable deprivation.


Hundreds of thousands of hungry survivors huddled in darkened emergency centers that were cut off from rescuers, aid and electricity. At least 1.4 million households had gone without water since the quake struck and some 1.9 million households were without electricity.


While the government doubled the number of soldiers deployed in the aid effort to 100,000 and sent 120,000 blankets, 120,000 bottles of water and 29,000 gallons (110,000 liters) of gasoline plus food to the affected areas, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said electricity would take days to restore. In the meantime, he said, electricity would be rationed with rolling blackouts to several cities, including Tokyo.


Yahoo! News


Damn. :(

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“As expected of our friends!”




“They’re so handsome. It’s like a movie, really.”


“I could cry. We’re truly grateful, America!”


“Sorry we were so hard-hearted. It seems America was our only friend after all.”


“They are really used to this stuff, aren’t they?”


“They really are tool cool. What is this sense of security I feel…”


“Please make Japan a state.”


“Guys who have seen actual combat are in a different class.”


“They are heroes, seriously.”


“As expected of our master! Japan will remain by your side as your Pochi forever!”


“Rather than seeing our government’s incomprehensible press conferences, seeing the US army on the ground is much more reassuring.”


“The SDF isn’t bad, but seeing this you can really tell how badly Japanese lack decisiveness.”


“I got wet when I saw this on the news. America can have me any time!”


“They seriously look too cool! USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!!”


“The USA is truly Japan’s ally!”


“If God made the world into a feature film America would be the protagonist.”


“Americans may be stupidly optimistic but they are certainly brave and believe in justice.”


“It’s amusing that we can rely on another nation’s armed forces more than we can our own government…”


“I cried!”



Edited by dabearfan101
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