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Raptors Starting to Shut Down Veterans?

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From Paul Jones Twitter


Head coach Jay Triano said that they'll take a closer look at Reggie. He doesn't seem to have the same bouce as he did when he1sst returned


Back from Raptors practice in San Fran...Reggie Evans (sore foot), Amir Johnson (ankle), and Joey Dorsey (flu like symtoms) did not practice


Hopefully this is a sign that they are going to start shutting down some of the veterans like Reggie Evans. This is a perfect opportunity to do that.


I also wouldn't be opposed to shutting Amir down until his ankle is 100%, which would probably take a week or two, which is a good chunk of the rest of the season.


I just hope that they actually do shut down guys like Evans, Bargnani, Barbosa and Calderon wtihin the next few games. At the very least, I hope their minutes get cut so that guys like Bayless, Johnson and Davis (and maybe even Alabi or Ajinca) can actually get some burn during the last few games of the year.

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