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Colangelo Extension Hinges on Sale of Teachers Share in MLSE?

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From everyone I’ve talked to today … Colangelo has NOT be re-signed.


According to all of the folks I (and Jonesy) have spoken to no extension has been offered yet … let alone signed.


According to my sources (and this has all been talked about in this space and on the air already) … the Feschuk article is still the most accurate depiction of what is happening. It basically goes something like this:


Larry Tanenbaum (and Richard Peddie?) wants BC back. The Teachers aren’t so sure. Silvestri especially. And because of the votes the Teachers have on the board … if they truly want to hold back on re-signing Colangelo, they can. At the very least … they can make it difficult for Larry (and Richard?).


1. You’ve got a GM - Colangelo - whose contract expires on June 30.

2. His new contract - if it’s coming - is being held up by an ownership group (the Teachers) that may not even be the owners when June 30 rolls around!

3. But if the Teachers are around still … they apparently don’t want the current GM.

4. However, will the other owner(s) — i.e. Tanenbaum — allow an out-going ownership group to control who the future GM/Pres. of the organization will be!?


And oh by the way … there’s a lockout (potentially) coming too!




If this is true (which I have no doubts it is, as it has been mentioned numerous times already), this picture that was posted on RealGM pretty much sums up my opinion on this:




Also, my new favourite member of the Raptors organization is:



Edited by Built Ford Tough
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I don't understand why the teachers want BC gone so bad to be honest, it sounds like the team has been financially successful during his tenure, and realistically, I bet the team has been as successful in terms of win % as any other GM we've had during his tenure. Since when have the teachers not been content being mediocre at best as long as they're making money?


Like I've said before, I am indifferent towards the whole situation. I don't hate BC as much as most, he makes bold moves but he is the ultimate janitor, I just wish he would admit the Bargnani mistake and ship his ass out. BC was fighting an uphill battle building a team around Bosh, and if TJ Ford doesn't break his neck then who knows how the last 3 years look. I don't like that we would probably have to give him 5 years, but I wouldn't mind giving him a chance to build his own team (3 year window)


On one hand hiring a rookie GM (in all likelihood a rookie GM) is not all that appealing to me, but BC holding Bargnani in his cold dead hands also isn't either. I guess I don't care either way, BC does a lot of things I love, but then does a lot of things that make me SMH. I guess if we are hiring a legitimate executive then I am fine, but I am sick of hiring rookie staff. I just want us to build this team naturally, especially if we get some lotto luck. Not like when we "won" Bargnani in 06, and then flipped a 47 win team the next year. I'd rather us win 20 games next year again then build from there. Every other NBA team is learning how to rebuild (tanking has never been so publicly accepted it feels like) so it's time we do the same.

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I don't understand why the teachers want BC gone so bad to be honest, it sounds like the team has been financially successful during his tenure, and realistically, I bet the team has been as successful in terms of win % as any other GM we've had during his tenure. Since when have the teachers not been content being mediocre at best as long as they're making money?


From my understanding, it may be in part due to them not wanting to commit theirselves one way or another before selling their portion. They don't want to give Colaneglo a long term extension and force the new majority owner into dealing with him for the next 5 years or so in case that decreases the value that they would receive for their share.


On the other hand, they don't want to completely get rid of Colangelo in case the new owner actually wants to keep him around.


That is purely speculation on my part because, as you said, it doesn't really make much sense why the teachers would want Colangelo gone considering their history of caring more about money than actually putting together a winning product with both the Raptors and the Leafs.


On one hand hiring a rookie GM (in all likelihood a rookie GM) is not all that appealing to me, but BC holding Bargnani in his cold dead hands also isn't either. I guess I don't care either way, BC does a lot of things I love, but then does a lot of things that make me SMH. I guess if we are hiring a legitimate executive then I am fine, but I am sick of hiring rookie staff. I just want us to build this team naturally, especially if we get some lotto luck. Not like when we "won" Bargnani in 06, and then flipped a 47 win team the next year. I'd rather us win 20 games next year again then build from there. Every other NBA team is learning how to rebuild (tanking has never been so publicly accepted it feels like) so it's time we do the same.


I can understand where you are coming from in regards to the whole rookie GM thing, and I can agree with you on that matter assuming they go out and hire some run of the mill assistaint from a terrible organization such as the Warriors or something, but I don't see anything wrong with going after some assistaint in the Spurs organization (or some other high quality management group) like OKC did with Sam Presti. He may not have the experience of some more established guys, but he would have experience in working for a championship organization and would know what it takes to build a team that can contend for a championship.


I'd be all for bringing in an established guy such as Kevin Pritchard, Jerry West, etc... as well, but I don't think a guy should be completely overlooked just because he hasn't had the opportunity to be a GM before. Hell, look at Massai Uriji and how well he has done in Denver so far. His experience as an assistaint to Colangelo gave him the experience needed to not only handle the Melo situation well, but get one hell of a return for him as well, possibly putting his team in a better position than had they kept Melo.



EDIT: One thing that I forgot to mention is that I would definitely want this situation resolved, one way or the other, by the beginning of June at the latest. This is arguably the most important draft that the Rapators have had in their history, and they can't afford to have their GM situation in limbo heading into the draft. We all remember what happened the last time the Raptors had a management change right before the draft, and you can make the argument that it set the franchise back a good 3-5 years by completely blowing their pick (Araujo over Iguodala). They can't afford to have a repeat of that situation.

Edited by Built Ford Tough
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