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Gears of War 3 Beta


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I am missing out on the BETA in hopes that it will make me orgasm when I play it the day it comes out. I usually judge a game based on the BETA and play the crap out of it and then when the game comes out I get bored of it. It happened to me with Reach.

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I am missing out on the BETA in hopes that it will make me orgasm when I play it the day it comes out. I usually judge a game based on the BETA and play the crap out of it and then when the game comes out I get bored of it. It happened to me with Reach.

The Beta is pretty incredible, the weapons actually work in this game, and graphically the game has improved dramatically. I can't believe how much they have improved the game.

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I actually ended up getting it. I sucked dick the first game, but after that, I averaged 40 kills a game on KOTH, and am back to being a beast. I love that about Gears, I have't played it in months, and this is a new game, but once you learn how to get by in Gears, you can dominate the other team in terms of kills.


The sawed off is really hit or miss though. I can't use it worth a shit, but people absolutely destroy me with it.

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Heres a tip...and something thats actually useful in this game as opposed to Gears 1 and 2.


The Lancer is a great weapon, it has plenty of ammo so you can spray at people for ages before having to reload. Always make sure to get active reloads as it makes all your shots more powerful. If you are at a distance, spray people down the with Lancer, its as easy a kill as you can get. In close quarters, always use your shotgun, eventually you will learn to use it properly and then the game just get 10,000x easier. I have never been one to go for power weapons but learn the spots and make use of them. The reason I don't go for them is because everyone rushes them early on and its a very easy way to die very early and give the other team a power weapon. For example you rush the sniper, pick it up, and here comes a dude with a shotgun at close range, you are royally screwed and he is going to pick up your sniper.


I also noticed that this game is way more team based. I didn't realize it in gears 1 or 2, but in the BETA the teams are always grouped together. In Gears 2 you could run into a group of 3 people and tear them all up with a shotgun, but in this game you run into the whole team and they are all shooting you at the same time.

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