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CM Punk...

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I've never been high on Christian, really, and it's weak how he continues to get title shots.


It's too bad Christian and Edge didn't stay together as a tag team, or Christian didn't find a new tag partner. I think he's better doing that. Vince doesn't really have a tag team that makes me care enough for the tag titles, which is sad, because back when wrestling was incredible, the tag division was amazing.


It just feels like all Raw is built for is to give Cena a ton of heels to stomp on, leading up to his match with The Rock next year.


Then, Smackdown is basically set up to create a rivalry between Orton and Christian (wooo hooo), and to turn Mark Henry into a bad ass, which was LONG overdue.


I think Cena has just killed wrestling for me. He gets his ass kicked most of the match, turns green and goes into Super Cena mode, beats the hell out of his oppoent for about 60 seconds, and wins the match. Hogan started getting dull as well, until he turned heel, and it saved WCW at that time.


If Punk loses at the PPV, it's Del Rio's turn...and if that Rick Martel/Eddie Guerrero ripoff wins the belt, it's going to turn me away from wrestling even more, even if it's against Cena.


Tag division is way behind Christian. He's been in this business for about 16 years and current Christian would actually make a decent mid-card wrestler (as in Intercontinental division back when it actually mattered) in the attitude era. Prior to his heel turn Christian was easily the most charismatic face on the roster. He's not half-bad in the ring either, providing some of the better matches I've seen this year along with Orton.


Agreed on Cena and Del Rio. I don't understand what the WWE feel like they need to push Del Rio while burying Punk and Miz, who are both by far better heels.


Even if it wasn't written, it had to have been approved by SOMEONE. Vince won't let anyone on the mic without any approval


Well Vince did.

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Also agree on Del Rio..while he's a good wrestler; he's incredibly boring.



His promos are the SAME. It's always his destiny to win something.

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That's 14:11 I'll never get back. That was legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever seen. The only cool part about that video is Cena, and that's because he's a Boston man.

>don't watch wrasslin

>complain about wrasslin vid


good job ecn

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it is lame they just still like wrestling..the point where CM punk and Vince are pointing at eachother...god... i remember Attitude Era Vince and wow has his personality been pussied down and cena your NOT funny.

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it is lame they just still like wrestling..the point where CM punk and Vince are pointing at eachother...god... i remember Attitude Era Vince and wow has his personality been pussied down and cena your NOT funny.

yeah man, liking a television show is so lame.

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People still watch wrestling?


People still ask this question?


I always lol when people say stuff like this. People that are so against this...if you're so against it well here's a fun fact. People who do still watch it and enjoy it really don't care that you don't care.

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Honestly its garbage now but I still watch just because there are a couple of good wrestlers on the roster (Punk etc) and every now and then there is actually a decent storyline (like now).

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It's funny how people are. They'll ask why I still watch it (and I actually did stop for a long time, but I started watching again just for the hell of it). I'll say it's entertaining, and they'll call it fake.


They've never been in a real wrestling ring.


I've probably told this story before, but I've landed on a mat, in a real ring, and it absolutely sucked. I have no idea how those guys do it over and over again, especially from a top rope. It's basically plywood and a thin foam padding.


Not to mention, I've seen a lot of accidents in the ring. I saw Sid snap his leg, Austin break his neck, Brock nearly kill himself, Triple H screwing up a couple of Pedigrees, and Foley hitting the concrete.


It may not be as exciting as it was in the late 80s, 90s, or even the first half of the 2000s, but the storylines still have a little value, and there are still a few good wrestlers out there.

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Punk has been amazing lately, this is the most compelling storyline since Nexus, but hopefully they don't drop the ball on this one like they did so badly with Nexus originally. This is the first PPV I have ever considered buying, since like 2001 lol, but at that point my parents would be buying it.


For the record, I probably won't, because for 1 60+ dollars is outrageous for a 3 hour event that really I only care about probably less than an hour of content, and 2 because the WWE always finds a way to let me down.


I will definitely be watching online though, hoping Ziggler wins the MITB too, we need some swerves, make this shit exciting again.

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