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Joe Johnson’s giant truck


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It's the same old story. Locked out NBA player returns back to his college to run a basketball camp, and brings a truck that possibly might be worth up to a quarter of a million dollars with him. The kids at the camp like basketball, and are enjoying the camp, but all they really want to know about is that giant, giant truck. And apparently, over the weekend, all the camp kiddies in question wanted to know about Atlanta Hawk guard Joe Johnson's(notes) massive Ford truck. And also why he makes so much money, which they could probably guess from ... well, look at the size of his truck!


Back in 2008, when word bubbled up about Johnson's massive Ford F-650 Super Truck XUV, we missed out on posting about it on Ball Don't Lie. Maybe because there wasn't a lockout to battle against. Or maybe it's because Joe's new paint job has sent us over the moon.


Either way, Joe's still truck'-er, toolin' around in this diesel-powered beast, which can apparently hold 200 gallons of fuel at a time, which means even despite the poor mileage Johnson no doubt gets, he has to fuel up about once every solstice. Which is also a terrible name for a car, but not a bad car at all.


Nice line, Jannero Pargo. And, if anyone is still wondering, the price of this car plus the features he's installed like runs well past $200k. A lot of money, just well within budget for someone that makes, well, more than Kobe Bryant.




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  • 4 months later...

Not necessarily. Joe's big love seems to be cars. Outside of that I've not heard of outlandish behavior and entourages. To be honest 250K worth of vehicle isn't absurd when someone's made 90M and is expecting another 110M in guaranteed salary (200+M for 13 or 14 years total in his career). I see plenty of 50K cars on the road and I doubt those people are making 40M over the same time 14 year period. Unless he has vices that aren't public knowledge or he's unable to say no to any pricey car then I think he could be okay.

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