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Yahoo Fantasy Football - Offline Draft


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Round 4


1. Simba (Confidence) - Moreno, Knowshon

2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Jones, Feliz

3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - Williams, Mike

4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Lloyd, Brandon

5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Ochocinco, Chad

6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Greene, Shonne

7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -Roethlisberger, Benjamin

8. The Fish (Fish) - Colston, Marques

9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Holmes, Santonio

10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - Gates, Antonio

11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - Witten, Jason

12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - Welker, Wes

13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - Davis, Vernon

14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -

Round 5


1. New York Jeets (Lkr) -

2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) -

3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) -

5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) -

6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) -

7. The Fish (Fish) -

8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -

9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) -

10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) -

11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) -

12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) -

13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) -

14. Simba (Confidence) -

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You will not be dropped sorry. Make your pick or I will make it for you. It takes a minute to make a pick you cant possibly be that busy lol

sorry that I have a lot of shit going on right now. fantasy football is really the last thing I am focusing on right now. if you don't drop me, fine, but thats your loss

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sorry that I have a lot of shit going on right now. fantasy football is really the last thing I am focusing on right now. if you don't drop me, fine, but thats your loss

Obviously it's not the last thing youre worried about if you've posted in this thread twice in the last hour

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3 Steps

1) Go to Yahoo

2) Look at the players

3) Pick 2.


Wow. So. [expletive]ing. Tough. But my life is so hard I can't even bother to do a 3 step function. Oh wait, that MUST be the reason why your life is hectic. You can't even do a simple 3 step function. Shit takes less than 2 minutes but that life of yours is so god damn tough. Real shit.


We need to have a black list and add this kid to the list. It's 3 [expletive]ing rounds in and he can't make a simple commitment. Imagine having him to set line-ups up EVERY week. Oh god, the task of taking 10 seconds of my life to see who plays and who doesn't is just too hard on my hard knock life.


Not to mention he posted this:


hey guys I'm not going to be able to pick tonight. i'll try to pick as early as possible tomorrow



No, the world does NOT revolve around a simple fantasy league. But the truth is, it doesn't take more than 2 minutes to look over a list of top players and decide on positional needs and who you'd rather have.


We're 3 rounds in, we can't just find a replacement after you made 3 KEY picks that'll affect the majority of the scoring of your team. Life doesn't just become hectic all at once. It builds up. If you weren't ready to make a simple commitment to a [expletive]ing fantasy league, don't bother signing up. It doesn't take a lot of time or initiative to make a couple of picks (AT THE MOST) per day. Unless you're sick, or someone else is sick and about to die, you sure as hell better take your 2 minutes a day and make a pick. It's not like you were putting a lot of effort into your picks BEFORE this whole "situation" of yours occurred.

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3 Steps

1) Go to Yahoo

2) Look at the players

3) Pick 2.


Wow. So. [expletive]ing. Tough. But my life is so hard I can't even bother to do a 3 step function. Oh wait, that MUST be the reason why your life is hectic. You can't even do a simple 3 step function. Shit takes less than 2 minutes but that life of yours is so god damn tough. Real shit.


We need to have a black list and add this kid to the list. It's 3 [expletive]ing rounds in and he can't make a simple commitment. Imagine having him to set line-ups up EVERY week. Oh god, the task of taking 10 seconds of my life to see who plays and who doesn't is just too hard on my hard knock life.


Not to mention he posted this:





No, the world does NOT revolve around a simple fantasy league. But the truth is, it doesn't take more than 2 minutes to look over a list of top players and decide on positional needs and who you'd rather have.


We're 3 rounds in, we can't just find a replacement after you made 3 KEY picks that'll affect the majority of the scoring of your team. Life doesn't just become hectic all at once. It builds up. If you weren't ready to make a simple commitment to a [expletive]ing fantasy league, don't bother signing up. It doesn't take a lot of time or initiative to make a couple of picks (AT THE MOST) per day. Unless you're sick, or someone else is sick and about to die, you sure as hell better take your 2 minutes a day and make a pick. It's not like you were putting a lot of effort into your picks BEFORE this whole "situation" of yours occurred.


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3 Steps

1) Go to Yahoo

2) Look at the players

3) Pick 2.


Wow. So. [expletive]ing. Tough. But my life is so hard I can't even bother to do a 3 step function. Oh wait, that MUST be the reason why your life is hectic. You can't even do a simple 3 step function. Shit takes less than 2 minutes but that life of yours is so god damn tough. Real shit.


We need to have a black list and add this kid to the list. It's 3 [expletive]ing rounds in and he can't make a simple commitment. Imagine having him to set line-ups up EVERY week. Oh god, the task of taking 10 seconds of my life to see who plays and who doesn't is just too hard on my hard knock life.


Not to mention he posted this:





No, the world does NOT revolve around a simple fantasy league. But the truth is, it doesn't take more than 2 minutes to look over a list of top players and decide on positional needs and who you'd rather have.


We're 3 rounds in, we can't just find a replacement after you made 3 KEY picks that'll affect the majority of the scoring of your team. Life doesn't just become hectic all at once. It builds up. If you weren't ready to make a simple commitment to a [expletive]ing fantasy league, don't bother signing up. It doesn't take a lot of time or initiative to make a couple of picks (AT THE MOST) per day. Unless you're sick, or someone else is sick and about to die, you sure as hell better take your 2 minutes a day and make a pick. It's not like you were putting a lot of effort into your picks BEFORE this whole "situation" of yours occurred.


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lol at bitches out like a girl. sorry that my world doesn't revolve around a fantasy football league. i'm not home so i really can't do much.


I think everyone understands that your life doesn't revolve around a fantasy football league, but here is what annoys people.


1. You were on last night, and had time to make a post that said you would pick in the morning. You could have made your pick that night.


2. Fine, you didn't make the pick last night, so you said you would this morning, yet you still did not do that.


3. You have made multiple posts after people have been complaining, so you obviously have access to the internet. I'm also guessing you can do fantasy football from your phone.....

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how am I going to do fantasy on my phone? seriously, at this point, just drop me. you guys are making no compelling arguments for me to stay in the league even if I could at this point. sorry that shit happens.


also, kurby, kinda funny seeing as your team really is no better

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Aren't you posting from your phone?

yes I am. my phone has no tabbed browsing and waiting for yahoo takes forever to load. OTR has the mobile version, so it is a lot easier to post from. just go ahead and autopick these two already. even if you wnot drop me, i have no way to pick right now.

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