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Yahoo Fantasy Football - Offline Draft


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A.J. Green


1. Simba (Confidence) - Smith, Steve

2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Freeman, Josh

3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - Jackson, Fred

4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Tolbert, Mike

5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Bush, Reggie

6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Moss, Santana

7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) - Grant, Ryan

8. The Fish (Fish) - Thomas, Mike

9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Daniels, Owen

10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - Manning, Eli

11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - Green, AJ

12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) -

14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -

Good pick man, I was debating b/w him and Manning

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1. Simba (Confidence) - Smith, Steve

2. Lenny & The Jets (iboldin) - Freeman, Josh

3. EastCoastNiner (ECN) - Jackson, Fred

4. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) - Tolbert, Mike

5. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) - Bush, Reggie

6. Air Knowshon (Cobb) - Moss, Santana

7. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) - Grant, Ryan

8. The Fish (Fish) - Thomas, Mike

9. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) - Daniels, Owen

10. Team CTFU (TruTrojan) - Manning, Eli

11. Tebow and Arrow (50.) - Green, AJ

12. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) - Joseph Addai

13. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurdStomppa) - Julio Jones

14. New York Jeets (Lkr) -


Lkr/Fish on the clock!

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Just replace lkr, if he doesn't want to be in the league just drop him...


Like is said before no. I thought you were making his picks?


He said you are making his pick just make them or im going to give him best available players.

Edited by ChosenOne
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What kind of asshole would rather kill off a team in the preseason as opposed to just replacing the owner because he doesn't want to re input draft results, [expletive]ing awful.


Give lkr Steve Smith and Pittsburgh D and really man, pathetic.

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I have told DBF twice and both times he hasn't replied back to me, that's what the [expletive] i mean by NO! Sorry but im not about to nag a person to get a team that has drafted 7 [expletive]ing rounds. He the [expletive]ing pathetic on that claims not to have time for a fantasy league but remains on OTR every time you check!


Cali on the clock!

Edited by ChosenOne
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Calicurb is otc...


Yeah my bad.


1. New York Jeets (Lkr) - Pittsburgh (Pit - DEF)

2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) - Green Bay (GB - DEF)

3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) -

5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) -

6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) -

7. The Fish (Fish) -

8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -

9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) -

10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) -

11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) -

12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) -

13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) -

14. Simba (Confidence) -


Cali on the clock!

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I take GB DEF!


1. New York Jeets (Lkr) - Pittsburgh (Pit - DEF)

2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) - Green Bay (GB - DEF)

3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) -

5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) -

6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) -

7. The Fish (Fish) -

8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -

9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) -

10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) -

11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) -

12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) -

13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) -

14. Simba (Confidence) -

Edited by CaliCurbStomppa
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I take GB DEF!


1. New York Jeets (Lkr) - Pittsburgh (Pit - DEF)

2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) - Green Bay (GB - DEF)

3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) -

5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) -

6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) -

7. The Fish (Fish) -

8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -

9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) -

10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) -

11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) -

12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) -

13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) -

14. Simba (Confidence) -

lkr will trade you GB for Pitt if you want, both are equal to him...

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1. New York Jeets (Lkr) - Pittsburgh (Pit - DEF)

2. TEAM BRING IT (CaliCurbStomppa) - Green Bay (GB - DEF)

3. Show Me Your TD's (Prodigy) -

4. Tebow and Arrow (50.) -

5. Team CTFU (Trutrojan) -

6. Kurb Your Enthusiasm (KurbyFX) -

7. The Fish (Fish) -

8. Yuuuuup!!! (Blazed49) -

9. Air Knowshon (Cobb) -

10. ChosenOne (ChosenOne) -

11. moeroadkillers (Moeroadkill) -

12. EastCoastNiner (ECN) -

13. Lenny & The Jets (iBoldin) -

14. Simba (Confidence) -


Defense's are going off the board in the 7th? damn.


Prodigy on the clock!

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