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L.Aldridge is fine missing the 2011-12 season

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L.Aldridge is fine missing the 2011-12 season

"Ask a player, owner, commissioner or anyone affiliated with the NBA about the status of the 2011-12 season and you're going to get differing levels of optimism and pessimism. David Stern is optimistic. Dwyane Wade is optimistic.


But LaMarcus Aldridge? He's on the other end. Not just pessimistic, but extremely pessimistic. He told The Oregonian he doesn't see the 2011-12 starting on time and even worse, is completely willing to sit out the season to get a fair deal.


Aldridge, who is the Blazers' player representative in the NBA Player's Union, said he does not expect the season to start on time but does believe there will be a season eventually. That said, he is prepared to sit out all of 2011-12 if necessary.


"If that's what it takes to get a fair deal done, then yes," Aldridge said.


Bad news: In order to get what you think might be "fair," you're probably going to have to sit out 2011-12, LaMarcus. Because the owners seem pretty dug in."



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