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I'm on the fence with him getting banned. He was a troll, but he did provide some good topics, a lot of activity, and he wasn't all that dumb. He was extremely [expletive]ing annoying, which members who didn't like him could have simply pressed the ignore button on, but I think the benefits of having him here outweighed the negative.

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I've posted on the same board as ECN for about 5 years now (RBS and OTR) and his problem is not that he's stupid. He just doesn't know when to end an argument. When he loses an argument, he starts to bring up completely irrelevant facts and begins to personally attack the other poster. He's been doing it forever. He would be fine if he learned when to stop and simply realize that he is wrong but in his mind he is never wrong. I'm glad he's gone because he has made it very clear that he will never change.

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So I missed something (I assume in the ECN trails) but I'm not gonna go through the 3 pages worth of posts to find out...so I'll just accept that he's gone.


RIP little ECN...you're in a much better place now. We hardly knew ye....

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Some people were mentioning that it wasn't fair that ECN gets the blame when other people were trolling him and they didn't get punished. The thing is, we've let most of the lighter trolling slide over the past year. We did it to help with activity, and because some people felt we were too uptight about some things. It was the same story with the word censor.


The problem with ECN is, is that he doesn't know when to stop. Whether it's a legitimate debate that spirals off-topic or it's the NFL gameday threads, it's always the same story with him.


People have been banned for worse, yes. That doesn't matter here though. I had several choices: 1) I let everything continue to slide, and ECN hangs around. He doesn't change, and we lose quality members. 2) I let ECN stay, but make it so that all of his posts must be approved by a moderator before they are posted. This keeps him in check, but then the moderators and I would constantly be baby-sitting his posts. 3) I get rid of him, people stop responding to his trolling (which in turn stops their trolling) and most of the community is satisfied.


Do we lose some activity with him gone? Yes, but I will NOT see members, good members, walk away because some guy couldn't keep himself in check and the staff did nothing about it.

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Putting up with what? Anything ECN says is much better than the awkward ass posts that other guys make on here.

You keep referencing Warren, but his posts are lighthearted and funny. ECN's are venomous and condescending. The two aren't comparable.

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I completely understand why he was banned. He pushed the limits for too long, was disrespectful to basically everyone, blah blah blah. Totally reasonable to ban him.


However I am not sure I buy the "he didn't know when to stop in debates" thing. He, more than any other member, had to deal with people calling him out for being wrong, etc. I'd see it all the time where he'd be willing to let an argument die, and someone would come in and say "hey ECN, why aren't you talking now? Why didn't you respond to blah blah blah in thread X?". So, even though a lot of it was his own doing, he was egged on A LOT, especially recently.

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I completely understand why he was banned. He pushed the limits for too long, was disrespectful to basically everyone, blah blah blah. Totally reasonable to ban him.


However I am not sure I buy the "he didn't know when to stop in debates" thing. He, more than any other member, had to deal with people calling him out for being wrong, etc. I'd see it all the time where he'd be willing to let an argument die, and someone would come in and say "hey ECN, why aren't you talking now? Why didn't you respond to blah blah blah in thread X?". So, even though a lot of it was his own doing, he was egged on A LOT, especially recently.

Yes tons of baiting and trolling

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