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Bruce Blitz vs Skip Bayless


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I just decided to make a thread about 2 of the most biased guys I've ever seen talking about sports Skip Bayless and Bruce Blitz. Two me both are pretty knowleadgeable sports fans and make good point from time to time but these 2 have to be by far the most biased when it comes to talking about Kobe and LeBron. From Blitz's point of view Kobe is the most overrated and selfish player who has ever played in the NBA, as a Kobe fan I disagree but I see he's points and for the most part alot are interesting and true but my problem with Blitz is how he rides MJ and LeBron in all of his videos and spends his whole time trying to bash Kobe. In other words he is to Kobe what Skip is to LeBron. Speaking of Skip I think there's really no need to talk much about him anyone who watches First Take in the morning knows how he is. Like Blitz he finds LeBron to be very overrated and at times he makes his point about him the problem is he doesn't always have significant facts to back up his talk like Bruce. That being said though Skip has been proven right plenty of times regardless and at the same time proven wrong. Overall like I said I think both make good points from time to time but both are very biased guys if you ask me. What is everyone else's take on these guys and who do you find to be more biased?


And for those who have never heard of Blitz here's a video to get you familiar with him.


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