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Woj: Lakers close to sending Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom for Chris Paul


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  On 12/9/2011 at 5:38 AM, AboveLegit said:

Difference here is, Stern is looking after the best interest of the league. Now obviously this has taken a turn for the worse, it's most definitely ruined the image of the league, but the idea that he and the majority of the owners advocate parity plays a large role.


So in the best interest of the league, to avoid a superteam formed, he's going to force Paul to stay or get traded to where he doesn't want to be,,,,for him to opt out and sign with a super team anyway, leaving the Hornets or the team he walks out on with nothing to show for it?


Yeah, not buying that. League owners colluded to prevent Paul heading to LA. Even with a CBA, I'm pretty sure that's still illegal.



And correct me if I'm wrong, but this is all within Stern's authority as commissioner to block a trade, all owners agree to these authorities when buying a team.


Wrong. He can't arbitrarily block trades. Trades get blocked if they violate a CBA rule...that's not the case here.


If he didn't want Paul to LA, he should have let it be known before the deal was agreed upon. This is the league owners getting in his ear.


There were rumors about this since when? As an owner he didn't have an idea it might happen until it did? He could have said no a week ago. He could have said no this morning. He waited til owners bitched and moaned.


BTW, did anyone see Dan Gilbert's letter to David Stern regarding the trade?



Proof this had nothing to do with "basketball reasons". Gilbert was scared Paul and Howard would end up in LA. Period.


Doesn't matter than NO would have actually ended up with a better team. Four starters and 2 1st rounders for a guy that's going to walk anyway.

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Today, as news breaks that the NBA has effectively killed the Chris Paul-to-Los Angeles deal because it would make the Lakers too good, we’d be wise to remember what he said almost a year ago on the topic:


“I don’t know if New Orleans can support a team,” Jackson said.


“Who’s going to pull the button on it?” Jackson asked. “When Chris says he has to be traded, how’s that going to go? … Someone’s going to have to make a very nonjudgmental decision on that part that’s not going to irritate anyone else in the league.”

:lol: :lol:

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:20 AM, Z True Long Island Story said:

lol so you'd rather see the NBA look bad than get Chris Paul?

I severely doubt we're getting CP3 now, which ruined our chemistry with our second and third-most valuable pieces to our two championship runs (Gasol and Odom).


Because of that, I'm fine with the consequences the league will see from this, and as of right now, I don't think I've ever seen more disappointment from the basketball media since I've been watching the game...and that includes what has gone on during the lockout, recent and in 1999.




Woj is shut down from it, and read what an NBA executive says:


“We were all told by the league he was a trade-able player, and now they’re saying that Dell doesn’t have the authority to make the trade?” said an NBA executive who had periodic talks with New Orleans throughout the process. “Now, they’re saying that Dell is an idiot, that he can’t do it his job. [Expletive] this whole thing. David’s drunk on power, and he doesn’t give a [expletive] about the players, and he doesn’t give a [expletive] about the hundreds of hours the teams put in to make that deal.


“How do the Lakers explain this to Odom? How does Houston deal with the guys it just tried to trade? Scola and Martin are going to be pissed at them, and who knows how long that takes to get over? Explain to me how the league kills this Pau Gasol deal, but allows Kwame Brown for Pau Gasol?


“To me, this makes the league feel like it’s rigged, that Stern just does whatever Stern wants to do. He’s messed up the competitive balance of this league a lot worse by killing the deal, because you’ve completely destroyed the planning that New Orleans, Houston did and left them in shambles over this. I’ve never been so discouraged about this league, never so down.


“I mean, come on: Chris Paul is leaving New Orleans in 66 games. He’s gone. And what’s Dell Demps, and that franchise, going to have to show for it?”

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LOL someone on the radio was wondering how Yahoo got Gilbert's e-mail. Then one of them said the only possible explanation is if another owner sold out Gilbert. Would be funny if this was true and the Heat did this :lol:

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:26 AM, ?QuestionMark? said:
Wrong. He can't arbitrarily block trades. Trades get blocked if they violate a CBA rule...that's not the case here.


Actually, you are wrong.


Stern has the authority to block trades for the best interest of the league per the league constitution, which every owner agrees to when purchasing their team.


Add in the fact that the league owns the Hornets and Stern has every right to block this trade.


It is a joke how it all went down, but Stern does have the authority to block a trade from happening if he deems it is necessary, especailly since the Hornets are owned by the league.

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It would be a travesty to allow the Lakers to acquire Chris Paul in the apparent trade being discussed.


This trade should go to a vote of the 29 owners of the Hornets.


Over the next three seasons this deal would save the Lakers approximately $20 million in salaries and approximately $21 million in luxury taxes. That $21 million goes to non-taxpaying teams and to fund revenue sharing.


I cannot remember ever seeing a trade where a team got by far the best player in the trade and saved over $40 million in the process. And it doesn’t appear that they would give up any draft picks, which might allow to later make a trade for Dwight Howard. (They would also get a large trade exception that would help them improve their team and/or eventually trade for Howard.) When the Lakers got Pau Gasol (at the time considered an extremely lopsided trade) they took on tens of millions in additional salary and luxury tax and they gave up a number of prospects (one in Marc Gasol who may become a max-salary player).


I just don’t see how we can allow this trade to happen.


I know the vast majority of owners feel the same way that I do.


When will we just change the name of 25 of the 30 teams to the Washington Generals?


Please advise….


Dan G.

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The conflict of interest here is just too much..If George Shinn was still owner of the Hornets and he vetoed the trade people would just say "Fine, this is a bad decision on his part.". But now, NBA, acting as owners of the Hornets and vetoing the trade, all these conspiracy theories appear. They should have just let the trade happen. It was fair, everybody win in their own point of view, and get on with it.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:26 AM, ?QuestionMark? said:

So in the best interest of the league, to avoid a superteam formed, he's going to force Paul to stay or get traded to where he doesn't want to be,,,,for him to opt out and sign with a super team anyway, leaving the Hornets or the team he walks out on with nothing to show for it?


Yeah, not buying that. League owners colluded to prevent Paul heading to LA. Even with a CBA, I'm pretty sure that's still illegal.

It doesn't matter where he's going, it's the fact that Stern is trying to stop players from forcing their way to teams.


Wrong. He can't arbitrarily block trades. Trades get blocked if they violate a CBA rule...that's not the case here.

But not if the league owns the team, right? It's a whole different story when there's no owner in place.


If he didn't want Paul to LA, he should have let it be known before the deal was agreed upon. This is the league owners getting in his ear.


There were rumors about this since when? As an owner he didn't have an idea it might happen until it did? He could have said no a week ago. He could have said no this morning. He waited til owners bitched and moaned.

Definitely agree with this.

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Is Lamar Odom really butthurt? It must suck for him and Pau, talk about awkward. Crazy how this happened though. Glad it's not happening, but I hate the way the owners and Stern handled this. The league is way too sloppy right now. The lockout hurt the league's image and now this just [expletive]s it up even more.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:49 AM, Legacy said:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Stern killed the deal because Dwight was bound to be next coming to L.A. This Whole concept of a "superstar" team is getting annoying, imo. What happened to building around one superstar, not three?

how many superstars will you say have been on championship teams in the past? minimum two

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:49 AM, Legacy said:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Stern killed the deal because Dwight was bound to be next coming to L.A. This Whole concept of a "superstar" team is getting annoying, imo. What happened to building around one superstar, not three?





Sorry man..blame Riley

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:19 AM, Lkr said:

I just read the Gilbert letter. If it is real, the NBA is [expletive]ed, because it is obvious that there is collusion lmao


The thing is that Gilbert is technically an owner of the Hornets so he is fully within his rights to play the "veto" card, just like any other owner. By the book, there are 29 owners of the New Orleans Hornets right now so any owner, whether it is Cuban, Arison, Gilbert, Allen, Jordan etc..., are allowed to veto the trade.


That is why it was such an awful decision to make the Hornets a league owned team. If you have a single owner, this trade likely goes through (unless Stern really wants to ruin any credibility he has left, which is already very little). However, since the owners of the other 29 teams get an equal say, you know that they are going to shoot down the trade since they don't care about what is best for the Hornets, they care about what is best for their teams. Paul going to LA to join forces with Kobe and Bynum (or later Howard as most everybody expected) is not good for their teams so they are going to pull the veto card.


It sucks and makes the league look terrible, but they are well within their rights to do what they did tonight.


Luckily for the NBA that the players have voted on the new CBA already (they all have, right?), otherwise I could easily see this resulting in them continuing the lockout and wiping out not only this season, but future ones as well.

Edited by Built Ford Tough
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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:52 AM, Lkr said:

how many superstars will you say have been on championship teams in the past? minimum two


Well technically both of us built around a star player...Kobe and Dwyane but we just added more stars around them. (not yet for LA at least).

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:57 AM, Flash said:

Well technically both of us built around a star player...Kobe and Dwyane but we just added more stars around them. (not yet for LA at least).

The Lakers already had their big three before Miami though. Look how stacked the Lakers and Celtics have been as recently as the 80s. Look how stacked Chicago was in the 90s. It isn't like this super team concept is anything new.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 6:57 AM, Built Ford Tough said:

Luckily for the NBA that the players have voted on the new CBA already (they all have, right?), otherwise I could easily see this resulting in them continuing the lockout and wiping out not only this season, but future ones as well.

The players can go on strike, and lets face it, they'd have sympathy from the fans after the bullshit that just happened

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They just need some serious damage control. Say it was a bad situation because the Hornets are league owned, you are actively looking for a new owner, and it won't happen again. No substantial trades by the Hornets until sold.


This could get bad if not handled properly in the morning.

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  On 12/9/2011 at 7:02 AM, Lkr said:

The Lakers already had their big three before Miami though. Look how stacked the Lakers and Celtics have been as recently as the 80s. Look how stacked Chicago was in the 90s. It isn't like this super team concept is anything new.


Absolutely. Look at the Celtics, Showtime, Bad Boys, Bulls etc. all featured more than 1 star. The Pistons/Spurs are the exception to the rule and the Spurs are borderline.

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