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Bayless is out for this one (and the Knick game tomorrow) so we will be in for a treat in watching Anthony Carter and/or Leandro Barbosa run the point.


If you thought Bayless was terrible at running an offense, just wait and see how dysfunctional the Raptors offense will be with these two running it. :lol:

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OMG...Barbosa at point is like asking Bargnani to play Shaq in the post.


Anthony Carter should never handle the ball longer than two seconds, by the way.


Dallas didn't look that great in their first game against the Raps. They are so loaded offensively, and they have defensive-minded players (not an anchor, but still), they should've blew Toronto out by 30.


I wonder if DeRozan will step his game up this time around. The dude was missing on Friday.

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Ne job of Bargnani to go right at Anderson and get the Magic's leading scorer in foul trouble early.


Richardson just got absolutely stuffed by the rim on that dunk attempt; so bad that he landed on his ass after it. :lol:


DeRozan with a nice job of going right at Howard in transition for the And 1. After throwing up that ugly airball from 18 or so feet early in the game, he has done a decent job of looking to get into the paint, although that was his first basket.

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Bargnani and Calderon - 29 points, 7 rebounds, 9 assists on 11-16 shooting

Rest of the Raptors - 23 points, 9 rebounds, 7 assists on 10-25 shooting



For the Magic, Howard's demeanour on the court continues to be pathetic. Even though he has put up great rebounding numbers and respectable scoring numbers, he looks completely disinterested out there and just going through the motions. He gets the ball in the post, throws up a lazy hook shot without even trying to get a better look. He watches players go by him defensively and then tries to get a block despite him being more than capable of stopping the shot attempt in the first place by just playing man-to-man defense.


Howard looks the same as Vince Carter's half assed effort prior to being traded to the Nets.


Maybe I am wrong in thinking this and the lockout has made him get off to a slow start or something, but his body language out there looks like one of a guy who has quit on his team.


It really is a shame because the rest of the Magic seem to have worked really hard in the offseason after their disappointing year last season. Turkoglu is in the best shape I've seen him in for a while, Anderson has played really well to start the season and guys like Redick and Richardson both look motivated to bounce back.

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Nah, you're right. I basically said the same exact thing (going through the motions) in one of those first game topics (could have been a preseason game, don't remember). I can't say the guy is out of shape, can't say he's having trouble working his way back to where he was last year...because the guy is a freak of nature, and like LeBron, he's not the kind of person to stack on fat or stay out of the weight room over the summer.


It really is sad. Sure, I want him in LA, but I just think it's absurd not to play your hardest, at least for your teammates. I'm sure he still has beef with Jameer (I've always thought that), but guys like Redick and Anderson work their asses off to improve their games, and to be a good fit around him.


I'm actually noticing that he doesn't complain as much. Last year, it's all he ever did...complain about fouls. Now, it just doesn't seem to be a concern of his as frequently as it was when he wanted to lead Orlando into the ECF's.

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Hey, at least LBJ played close to 100 games in the season before he apparently "quit" on Cleveland, Dwight checked out at the start of this year... have fun signing in New Jersey in the off-season douchebag.


On a side note, still waiting for Demar to get it going.. somehow he is looking worse than last year, up to this point I am chalking it up to the added pressure, both from himself and everyone else. Dude needs to continue to get the to the line and do what made him successful last year. He gets a bad rap from the refs, but he can't let that stop him from attacking. I don't understand how someone so athletic can be such a bad defender either... I know he isn't overly quick, but he doesn't fight through screens, and just seems really lackadaisical on D more than anything.


Also have to admit how impressed I have been with Bargs so far.. still not a great player, but he is clearly playing with more fire than he ever has as a Raptor.


My gripe with Casey so far is his rotations, I know he wants to win but how is Magloire getting just a couple minutes less than Ed Davis?!?!?

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I agree about Ed getting more minutes, but I can understand Casey's logic and he did explain why Ed played so little last night.


He mentioned how he doesn't want Ed having to guard a guy like Anderson who is going to be running off screens, stretching the floor and things like that. He said that it was nothing to do with how Davis played or him doing something wrong and that it was strictly a matchup issue. He also said that as the season goes along Davis will get plenty of minutes.


It makes sense, even if I'd rather him just throw Davis to the Wolves.

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