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Obama Abusing His Powers As Usual

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obviously people in the church WANT the contraceptives. if the church doesn't believe in contraceptives, the members can easily say oh no thanks, i don't want any. i don't see you guys getting your panties in a bunch over the breach of separation of church and state in modern times like the addition of a magical sky wizard on our money, our motto, and in the pledge...

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I don't apologize for it. They're just as bad as Catholics.



Lol, enlighten me on how the Catholic church is even comparable to Islam in today's world. Please don't use some bullshit from the [expletive]ing medieval times either.

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Lol, enlighten me on how the Catholic church is even comparable to Islam in today's world. Please don't use some bullshit from the [expletive]ing medieval times either.


That is exactly what he will want to try and do, or he'll find one case of someone killing an doctor that supports abortion. The difference with Catholicism and the violence many years ago, is that people recognize it's wrong today, even Catholics. That's not to say MOST Muslims don't believe the radicals are wrong, but their beliefs and ways of life lead to lots of violence.


You don't see people in the U.S. lining up in the streets everyday shooting each other......

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Good to see them backing off of this. Lol @ Biden saying there's a compromise. You guys wouldn't need to "compromise" so much if you actually did things the American people wanted.

if you weren't such a [expletive]ing idiot, you would know that women want contraception and they are being blocked by grown men that wear tights and believe in a magical sky wizard.



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No need for name calling since this whole argument would be ended if people would realize how insane religion actually is.

yes, its really insane to disobey our creator. This country was founded on christian principles, don't you find it odd how we are in are worst economic time when we have a non christian president and people who like to make fun of the faith?

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yes, its really insane to disobey our creator. This country was founded on christian principles, don't you find it odd how we are in are worst economic time when we have a non christian president and people who like to make fun of the faith?

That's your opinion and I respect that but God or whoever you pray to isn't going to do anything now, is he? People need to believe in people, not some written words that were wrote years ago that have caused more trouble than anything. Yes, faith is great but the factors in debates like this are crazy. It's the worst economic times yet people are arguing about birth control.

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yes, its really insane to disobey our creator. This country was founded on christian principles, don't you find it odd how we are in are worst economic time when we have a non christian president and people who like to make fun of the faith?

yeah because the founders of this country were christian and everything :|

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yes, its really insane to disobey our creator. This country was founded on christian principles, don't you find it odd how we are in are worst economic time when we have a non christian president and people who like to make fun of the faith?

I thought Obama was a christian? What is he?

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You guys wouldn't need to "compromise" so much if you actually did things the American people wanted.


According to a recent USA Today poll, 58% of Catholics support requiring employers to cover the cost of birth control for their employees.


So.. did you actually mean "things the American men wanted"? Or "things the American Republicans wanted"? Majority of these poor, mistreated people are in favor of the decision.

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