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Most Posts in a Topic?


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Our owner recently eclipsed the '44,000-Post Plateau' (Props, B!!!), and some questions came up:


  • "What's the record for most posts by a forum member?"
  • Oldest Active Forum?
  • What's the unnofficial world record for 'Most posts to a single message board thread'?

The most I could find's this 'Xbox 360 vs PS3' thread's got 249,964 posts across 16,665 pages:



^ These guys really have no life(!). BTW, our "Random Thread" has got 4,070+ posts across over 2 years (turnin' two on February 19th). Our average of 169,58 per month shows we're pretty active in the random thread. In comparison, the "The Official Random Thread", 2 Girls 1 Cup on West Coast Remix had 3,950 posts in a 4,5 year span (Feb. 26th, 2006 -- Jun. 26th, 2010) -- an average of 75,96 per month. In other words, we're outposting WCX by 93,62 posts per month in the random thread! And WCX used to be one of the most active online message boards a few years ago...


How many of you remember West Coast Remix? And how many used to post there? What nickname you used?

Edited by Šhãłïq
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