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How can I fix my computer

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I have some extra cash to fix it, but don't know the problem. Has to be inside the computer. Sony Vaio desktop.


The computer overheats when I watch videos or have too many pages open, then the computer shuts off by itself.

What part should I get from Frys Electronics?

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if its old and overheating, and its probably a P4, it might be cheaper to just get something new

Well, that's assuming he's wanting/needing a new processor. If he can get away with just unclogging his fan(s), if that's the problem, and he wants to keep what he has...he has to check into that first. I have worked on so many computers with dust that is inches thick in the fans, it's unreal.


But yeah, if it's time to replace the processor, you should just look into a new computer (not necessarily brand new, but you know what I'm saying). A long time ago, that wouldn't be suggested...but these days, it's different, lol.

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Well, that's assuming he's wanting/needing a new processor. If he can get away with just unclogging his fan(s), if that's the problem, and he wants to keep what he has...he has to check into that first. I have worked on so many computers with dust that is inches thick in the fans, it's unreal.


But yeah, if it's time to replace the processor, you should just look into a new computer (not necessarily brand new, but you know what I'm saying). A long time ago, that wouldn't be suggested...but these days, it's different, lol.

I'm just saying since its a P4, there is nothing that can be done to stop it from getting hot lol

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What i did with my VAIO PC was just buy a CD ($11 from Microsoft) that basically cleaned out everything and brought it back to new. Worked amazing.


Clean the dust too?


Imma open the comp. soon and maybe use the air compression hose cuz its powerful haha. But I dont think dust is the problem. Only overheats when watchin videos on youtube and too many pages up.. Might be the power supply

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i opened it up. not much dust. therz one spot where i cant clean the gunk off, air dont work nor vacuum. it looks like a thick metal fan with thick ridges. and ic ant even find the pro fan lmao, hidden sumwhere in a metal box i think

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