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Bayless As The Starting Point Guard

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I don't know what it is but the dude just goes to an entirely different level when he is the starting point guard. A lot of it is probably confidence as he isn't looking over his shoulder after every mistake waiting to get benched.


Anyways, numbers with him as the starting point guard this season:


Team offensive rating 106.7 (season average 100)

Bayless averages: 20 ppg, 8 apg, 4 rpg on 51.9 FG% with 2.3 topg


Small sample size as it is only 4 games so far (the other 6 he started this year were at the 2) but look his 14 games last year as the starter were similar:


18.1 ppg, 3.6 rpg, 6.7 apg on 46.7 FG% and 2.9 topg


It begs the question, if he puts up these kind of numbers on a consistent basis to close out the season, should he be handed the reigns next season? Obviously if you can get a proven point guard you take him as Bayless is far from proven and has a lot of kinks still needed to work out, but there aren't a lot of options in free agency or the draft.

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The kid has starting point guard potential without a doubt. Like you said BFT, he just seems to have more confidence in his own game when he's starting, which definitely is something that comes with the position. When your coach puts you out there because you're one of his best five players, that gives you all the confidence in the world to go out there and prove him right, and play the game that got you to the NBA in the first place.


What you were saying about the difference in his numbers is true as well. I've watched him both start and come off the bench, and you're right, he does have an entirely different look about him. Not sure why they don't go ahead and make him the starting point guard. From everything I'm hearing, they really don't have much of a plan for the future of Jose Calderon in Toronto. Time to see just how good of a future point guard Bayless can be.

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I didn't watch last nights game because of March Madness, but other than that from what i've seen he's been playing well enough when he's the starter, to be the starter. I think this should give us more than enough confidence to possibly trade Calderon at the draft if Bayless continues his dominance as the starter.

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I didn't watch last nights game because of March Madness, but other than that from what i've seen he's been playing well enough when he's the starter, to be the starter. I think this should give us more than enough confidence to possibly trade Calderon at the draft if Bayless continues his dominance as the starter.


Basically, he dominated.


He was the reason for the win last night and completely outplayed Conley.

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Last night was more than impressive. I recorded the game and watched it this morning, and this was his state line;


28 Points, 6 Rebounds, 9 Assists, 1 Block, 3 Steals, 9-17 FGM-A, 3-5 3PM-A, 7-9 FTM-A.


That's impressive. He seemed to be everywhere out there on the floor, and was making his teammates better. Remember when he was coming out and there was all kinds of buzz that he'd be drafted top-3, and then he fell all the way down to my Pacers at #11? Unfortunately we traded him for Brandon Rush, but seriously, the kid always had the "star or bust" potential label, and maybe he's starting to get away from having that "bust" label and trying to turn it completely around. If he continues to get the starting nod, I really believe he'll end up having a solid career, and who knows, the Raptors may have found their point guard for the next 5-7 years if he can play similar basketball to what he was doing last night.

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Another great game for him last night, at least on the offense end. His defense on Augustin wasn't up to his usual standards, but considering he played 44 minutes the night before, all the trouble Toronto had getting to Charlotte, then when they get to the arena the fire alarm goes off and they have to evacuate the arena and him playing 39 minutes in the game itself, I can understand why his legs might be a bit dead defensively.


Anyways, offensively he had:


29 points, 6 assists, 4 steals on 10-16 shooting including 5-6 from 3.


He also sparked the late 4th quarter run that almost resulted in the Raptors erasing a double digit lead in the final 3 minutes of the game. Luckily, it fell 4 points short, but it doesn't take away from his excellent game.

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Another great game for him last night, at least on the offense end. His defense on Augustin wasn't up to his usual standards, but considering he played 44 minutes the night before, all the trouble Toronto had getting to Charlotte, then when they get to the arena the fire alarm goes off and they have to evacuate the arena and him playing 39 minutes in the game itself, I can understand why his legs might be a bit dead defensively.


Anyways, offensively he had:


29 points, 6 assists, 4 steals on 10-16 shooting including 5-6 from 3.


He also sparked the late 4th quarter run that almost resulted in the Raptors erasing a double digit lead in the final 3 minutes of the game. Luckily, it fell 4 points short, but it doesn't take away from his excellent game.


all he has to do is keep it up, and he'll earn that starting role for the foreseeable future.

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The problem is that Calderon is expected to return on Tuesday against the Knicks.


Will this have Bayless go back to the bench? Even if he stays in the starting lineup, will he be constantly looking over his shoulder again now that he knows Calderon is in the lineup?


He plays so much better when he is playing loose, but when Calderon is around his games tightens up and he forces things.

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The problem is that Calderon is expected to return on Tuesday against the Knicks.


Will this have Bayless go back to the bench? Even if he stays in the starting lineup, will he be constantly looking over his shoulder again now that he knows Calderon is in the lineup?


He plays so much better when he is playing loose, but when Calderon is around his games tightens up and he forces things.


honestly I think they should have given him more opportunities as a starter before the trade deadline. Then if he proved he could be a starter, they could have traded Calderon. Although Jose was hurt at the time so he might have had less value. Who knows, we'll see what they do in the offseason with him.

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honestly I think they should have given him more opportunities as a starter before the trade deadline. Then if he proved he could be a starter, they could have traded Calderon. Although Jose was hurt at the time so he might have had less value. Who knows, we'll see what they do in the offseason with him.


They should've given him the opportunity after the trade deadline last season. Him only getting the last 10 games as the starter last year when the Raptors had nothing to play for other than lottery position was a travesty.


I was fine with him being handed the starting role from the beginning this season to see what he could do, but Casey seemed to want to use him in the same way that Terry was used for the Mavs. I also think the Raptors wanted to showcase Calderon a bit to other teams, but I don't ever really believe they were serious about trading him regardless.

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Pretty crazy that Bayless has a higher overall PER than Jose this year in spite of all his supposed faults. I was a huge Bayless advocate last year, and will continue to be... not just because he is younger, but because he is better. His per 36 stats have always been very solid. The biggest thing missing in Bayless' game his entire career has been lack of stability. He has never been given that chance that other young players are to go through growing pains and play through it.


Bottom line, its time to find out what we have in this kid, we need to throw him in the water and let him sink or swim. Jose isn't going to be here forever (thank lord), and we need to know what we have in Jerryd, because there is no sense in drafting a point guard if they aren't going to be significantly better than Bayless.


I still think Jerryd can be a starter in this league in the right situation. he isn't going to improve his point guard abilities if he doesn't get the minutes though, and it is pretty obvious to everyone he is a completely different player as a starter than as a bench player.

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Calderon since returning from injury:


94.5 ORTG, 111.8 DRTG, 50.5 TS%, 50.6 AST%



Bayless starting in Calderon's abscence:


107.3 ORTG, 110 DRTG, 55.2 TS%, 59.5%



These are team numbers, not individual, since the common argument is how the team runs much more smoothly with Calderon starting as opposed to Bayless. However, the numbers have shown that when Bayless starts at the point, the team is actually better offensively than when Calderon is (and not just these 2 games, but they would back that if you took the entire season as well, I'm just not going to go through all that).


They have a higher ORTG, are more efficient and the ball mvoes better. Sure, Bayless may not average 9 assists a game when he starts like Calderon does, but the team as a whole moves the ball better. Calderon pounds the rock at the top of the cirle non-stop, but Bayless with swing it to DeRozan or Johnson and allow them to initiate the offense at times to give the defense a different look. The AST% difference is a reflection of this since despite not having Calderon, the Raptors still have a much higher % of assisted baskets.


Defensively they aren't great, but are still better with Bayless in the starting lineup than Calderon. That shouldn't really surprise anybody since Calderon's defensive problems are well known at this point.


I guess the one good thing is that Calderon is better for the tank as the team plays worse with him starting than it does with Bayless. It is very annoying having to watch Calderon pound the air out of the ball possession after possession while the better, more talented 23 year old rots away on the bench, though.

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