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Greatest Current Athlete in professional sports?


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Olympics is not a pro sporting event


'Beginning in the 1970s, amateurism requirements were gradually phased out of the Olympic Charter. After the 1988 Games, the IOC decided to make all professional athletes eligible for the Olympics, subject to the approval of the IFs.[115] As of 2004, the only sports in which no professionals compete are boxing and wrestling, although even this requires a definition of amateurism based on fight rules rather than on payment, as some boxers and wrestlers receive cash prizes from their National Olympic Committees. In men's football (soccer), only three professional players over the age of 23 are eligible to participate per team in the Olympic tournament.[115]"






































I'll wait for you to claim the source is invalid, or that it's from wikipedia. You can find that information anywhere. This isn't the 1970's anymore.

Edited by BeeBeeSee
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How do you determine who is a good athlete when judging them across all sports? You would think Roger Federer has nothing on Derrick Rose in terms of athletic ability, but he never looks tired and he has won a butt load of majors and dominated tennis for years. Rose is fast as crap and all that, but he does not dominate the NBA. Messi dominates soccer, but is he really good enough to do anything in another sport?

You compare their ability to those who play the same sport to judge how good they are at that sport, then you compare how good they are compared to eachother, quite simple actually.

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Damn, you really are clueless. There are only two sports in the Olympics that are amateur. EVERY other sport has PROFESSIONAL athletes participating in it you moron. I guess you want to call that professional athletes competing in an amateur event.


It's only amateur in terms of an outdated definition of not being paid to compete.


It's a professional event.

Edited by BeeBeeSee
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Damn, you really are clueless. There are only two sports in the Olympics that are amateur. EVERY other sport has PROFESSIONAL athletes participating in it you moron. I guess you want to call that professional athletes competing in an amateur event.


It's only amateur in terms of an outdated definition of not being paid to compete.


It's a professional event.

you mad because the olympics are not a series of professional sporting events? yeah you are. notice how ncaa players don't lose eligibility by competing.

Edited by Lkr
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Damn, you really are clueless. There are only two sports in the Olympics that are amateur. EVERY other sport has PROFESSIONAL athletes participating in it you moron. I guess you want to call that professional athletes competing in an amateur event.


It's only amateur in terms of an outdated definition of not being paid to compete.


It's a professional event.

http://i44.tinypic.com/8vuluq.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/iz7sc8.jpg








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http://i44.tinypic.com/8vuluq.jpg http://i43.tinypic.com/iz7sc8.jpg




Once again, you prove my point. The Olympics are only an amateur event based on an outdated definition pertaining to paying athletes.


Weird how most of those professional events are in the "amateur" Olympics.



Please go.

Edited by BeeBeeSee
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It might not be a "professional" event but the world's best athlete's are there so that whole argument is pretty pointless.


And how can you not include Tiger? He's the best golfer ever, no one has dominated one sport like he has.

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I kind of agree with ECN. The olympics involves the best of the best. and its not like the athletes in the olympics aren't trying.


And 3 years ago, i would have said Tiger, but were not talking about who "was" the greatest athlete in professional sports.

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And how can you not include Tiger? He's the best golfer ever, no one has dominated one sport like he has.

The topic title says current. He's not the current best player in his SPORT...

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even then Federer is more dominant in tennis than Woods is in golf



No way.



Tiger isn't even the best all time in his own sport....

Ehh...that's debatable. He probably is.

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