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Let's Be Honest.......Rose Isn't That Great

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The guy's been a choker his entire life. Whether it's when he played for Memphis, got owned by LeBron, consistently fails to get to the line. etc.


If he was playing in a smaller market on a poor team, he'd be absolutely exposed as just a scorer. Keep getting benched in the last minute because your own coach knows you're not that good.


Try shooting better tan 40% as well.



The only reason he doesn't get crap from people is because he's humble, or he'd just be another Arenas, Francis, etc.

Edited by BeeBeeSee
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I do agree that he is not top 5 player. And honestly people.. Look how good his team has been doing in his absence with basically the same squad as last season. Not MVP either imo..


The only reason he won the MVP is because the media wanted a new face to win it. If it were coaches and GM's that were voting on it, Rose would never sniff an MVP.

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I don't actually see many people ranking Rose high anyway...I am sure most (including me) would rank CP3 above him in the class of point guards. The thing is that he was the only offensive weapon we had last year and he carried us through many wins last season, which is one of the reasons why he got MVP.


I don't think people should use the record of us playing without him as an indication of his importance though.

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The guy's been a choker his entire life. Whether it's when he played for Memphis, got owned by LeBron, consistently fails to get to the line. etc.


If he was playing in a smaller market on a poor team, he'd be absolutely exposed as just a scorer. Keep getting benched in the last minute because your own coach knows you're not that good.


Try shooting better tan 40% as well.

I've often pointed out his less-than-impressive shooting numbers, along with some of his performances in the playoffs last year, but you say "entire life" as if he's been in this league for six or seven years. He's 23 years old. And he certainly was not even close to 100% yesterday. Is he overrated? I think so. But he's still a beast and can improve significantly.

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He has been out a third of the season, you cant expect him to just walk in and automatically play at a high level. He's going to need a few more games under his belt to get comfortable. If you've watched him play you would know that he's a step slower and a lot more timid attacking the basket. He's not playing to his strengths and that's because he needs his rhythm back.


And as for people taking knocks on his jumpshot, he's actually significantly improved since his rookie season. I wouldn't really call it a weakness in his game.

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people are kidding themselves if they don't consider Rondo the best PG



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