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Reggie Evans with the super-flop

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Monty Williams referring to Clippers "It's hard to play against all the flopping and nonsense that goes on with that team.”


Williams: "Who is the common denominator with all this fluff going on around the league? Blake Griffin. " (cont.)


"We don't dunk, we don't stare at people, we play the game the same way every night. … But all the extra stuff, we've never been about that”




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Haha nah, Evans has always flopped. In his raptor days, he pulled off a ton of charges.

Well, yeah, I've seen him step into the paint to take charges quite a bit in his career...but a flop like THIS? Looks like this one rivals the Bosh/Boozer incident, Baron's flop, and AK47's funny one.


You've seen more of Evans than I have, I'm sure, so maybe these extreme flops are not uncommon for you, lol.

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That's just crappy acting. :lol:


It does disturb me in the sense that this occurred in such a close game (96-100, with 1:41 left in the game) at such a crucial time...if this happens during the playoffs and the referees make the wrong call then there will be a huge outrage from the fans.

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