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The Random Thread v2

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  On 6/17/2017 at 11:18 PM, NomarFachix said:

I'm 31, man! And the Knicks haven't changed!


I'm 39, and the Knicks haven't changed !


They suck since I'm 23 anyhow, so I'm kinda used ot it..


Funny, the last time I was on this forum I had just gotten back from my first trip to NYC, I actually went there a second time last year, and I watched a Knicks game in the Madison ! It was last season's home opener against the Grizzlies. Awesome, the crowd was just great, when KP dunked on the entire Grizzlies team the arena exploded, it was freaking huge !!


And it was a win, guess I definitely picked the right game since we were.. not so good the rest of the season. Noah was actually good in that game (no kidding).


Anyway I'm getting back to New York next year, can't wait to watch the Knicks in the Madison again, and to get another pastrami on rye with a good root beer ! Greatest city on earth, no doubt about it !!


By the way everybody's aware that KP's gonna be 10 times better than LeBron right ? Well if you weren't now you are. :D

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It is REALLY hard to get a message board up and running nowadays.  People use desktops and laptops far less than they used to 10 years ago, and the truth is, it's difficult to post paragraphs in multiple topics using your phone.  None of us really want to spend that time doing it, when it was much easier on a desktop.

I still use a desktop, so I'm all over this, lol.

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Yeah I definitely agree. Most of my online time is definitely spent browsing twitter or reddit on my phone and not on an actual computer. I can go days without actually opening up my laptop whereas back in the day I'd be opening it daily to check this site and similar ones. 

Would be really cool to have a board up and running like the old days but I'm assuming these are things of the past.

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It would be nice to at least bring back the contributing members.  Even a few.  Then, we could build things up and look active for the new blood coming in and looking at topics, because I see a LOT of visitors when I post on Facebook and Twitter.  They just don't register.

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I'm honestly surprised that there are a lot of guests that are lurking. That is encouraging. Any idea on how to make it worth their time to register though? That is definitely the question. 

I don't have nearly as much free time as I used to but I'm obviously down to help wherever I can.

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I put up OTR back in 2005 because I had just left a place called JBB (JustBBall), and at the time, they were the largest basketball message board outside of RealGM (I think...can't remember if they had theirs going yet).  Anyway, a large crowd followed me, and by large, I'm talking maybe 50+ members.  They were posting every single day, and we started off hot.  Guests were browsing, saw the activity, and wanted in.

Fast-forward to the later years.  Same thing.  Our activity was pretty good when you registered, IIRC.  We continued to have new members, but we slowly saw a decline in activity.  Twitter hurt us, and as it grew, we started to shrink.  More of us were on our phones, and message boards weren't so user-friendly on phones.  They are better now, the site is easy to navigate on a phone, but it's a little too late.

Outside of just having activity here, I don't know what else we can do.  I was hoping we'd get at least 10 of our old members in here, because that's enough to lure others in, but it doesn't look like it'll happen.

Thank you for logging in and contributing, though.  I don't expect anyone to do that, and I wouldn't look down on anyone that didn't.  I'm just hard-headed and won't give up easily, lol.  And I really, really, really want a place to talk basketball.  Twitter is okay, but I get nothing from tweeting how I feel about a player, team, game, etc.

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  On 5/30/2021 at 2:15 AM, Phightins said:

We really had a great community here back in the day! Glad to see that the site is still around. 



  On 6/1/2021 at 5:56 AM, NomarFachix said:

What up fam, good to see familiar faces. Hope y'all are doing well


Good to see you guys here.  And to think, you two could've been in here debating over who'd advance to the ECF's between your favorite teams...but Trae.

At least the Knicks are breathing again, instead of the franchise resting in its death bed, lol.  And Philly is back!

You know, jokes aside, if you two and BFT would post a couple times a day, that would be 6 posts + my 50, making nearly 1700 a month.  Not bad.  Maybe others will see our activity and join.  OMG.

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That was embarrassing. The play, the flagrant foul, the talk in the media, the imbecile who SPIT on their best player. I'm going to Men in Black flash wand the last two weeks of basketball. 

Great season, boys!

I was telling Phightins I'd fly back north to watch a game or two with him if we both advanced, so saved me some money at least!

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