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Riots in the Middle East


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SMH these guys are crossing the line attacking Embassies over a stupid ass movie. Its getting old with them already, they're going to piss off a lot of countries if they keep it up and it won't end well for them.


Get some thicker skin.

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Religion of peace.



Honestly, it's getting tiring hearing people try and claim "it's just a few select extremists" that do this shit. The FACT of the matter is that it's not just a few. This type of shit happens every single day with this religion.


Do you know how many active conflicts there are in the world, and how many of them involved Islam? I'd have to find a source later, but the last time I saw it posted, it was something like 46/49 active conflicts involve Islam. There's a common denominator there. Sorry, but it's not the "most peaceful religion" like many like to claim. It's getting ridiculous.






















Edited by EastCoastNiner
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Sorry, but it's not the "most peaceful religion" like many like to claim.

Why not? Because a select few don't know the proper way to react?


The FACT of the matter is that it's not just a few.

Yes it is. Just because the media won't cover the people responding to something like this responsibly, it doesn't mean that those people don't exist.


Look, I'll throw in quotes and pictures to support my point, since you feel that your pictures are enough to drive through the idea that Islam is something it really is not.



Subhan Allah

Thousands of books on seerat of our beloved Sayyadi have been distributed in response to the film in London for the great biography of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam

Spread the word, spread the Truth




In response to the abusive film about the Holy Prophet Muhammad upon him blessings and peace,

“Discover Islam UK” in London

distributed more than 110,000 copies of a translation of the Qur’an And the life of the Prophet Mohammed for the citizens of London.


Very smart response.


May God bless them with the support of His beloved and religion.





Concerning the video disrespecting the Prophet (pbuh):


1. It is not only ok to feel offended but a sign of Iman and love for the Prophet.


2. We can NOT defend the honor of the Prophet by disobeying him. Think of what he would’ve done AND what he DID in such situations.


3. There have always been and will always be ignorant people in this world. This is exactly why the Quran tells us what to do with them: RISE ABOVE!


4. Tell the world who the Prophet really was, but that can only be done if we know who he was. Learn about him. STUDY SEERAH!!



You have always seemed to conveniently ignore the vast majority of Islam's followers who are as supportive of responsibility and prudence as anyone in America or around the world. Use some common sense. Naturally, acts of goodwill won't receive anywhere near the same amount of coverage as attacks on U.S. ambassadors. Just because the latter is what you're hearing about, it does not mean that those people make up anything close to a significant portion of the followers of the religion.

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Why not? Because a select few don't know the proper way to react?



Yes it is. Just because the media won't cover the people responding to something like this responsibly, it doesn't mean that those people don't exist.


Look, I'll throw in quotes and pictures to support my point, since you feel that your pictures are enough to drive through the idea that Islam is something it really is not.













You have always seemed to conveniently ignore the vast majority of Islam's followers who are as supportive of responsibility and prudence as anyone in America or around the world. Use some common sense. Naturally, acts of goodwill won't receive anywhere near the same amount of coverage as attacks on U.S. ambassadors. Just because the latter is what you're hearing about, it does not mean that those people make up anything close to a significant portion of the followers of the religion.



Again, you are in complete denial. It is NOT a select few people that act that way or have those violent views, and I already posted statistics on that, and there's many more that support that as well. Honestly, it's time for you to realize that Islam is not as peaceful of a religion as you want to make it sound. The entire "it's a select few" is factually false. It just happens to be a "select few" blowing up buildings and people day after day, right? When's it not going to be a "select few" to you? When it happens day after day, the proof is in the pudding.


Not all that follow Islam are bad people, but a lot have extreme views which inlude violence, and it's not a minuscule amount as you want to claim.

Edited by EastCoastNiner
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You have serious trouble distinguishing the religion from the followers. There will always be ignorant people. The amount of those people will always fluctuate. Yet, I will continue to take offense at your suggestion that Islam advocates any of the irresponsibility that comes from its followers.


Honestly, it's time for you to realize that Islam is not as peaceful of a religion as you want to make it sound.

Sorry to break the news to you, but I've been learning about Islam my whole life from people who are qualified to teach it. Consider how ridiculous the idea is that my opinion of Islam would change because of polls.

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It's not disliking Muslims either. It's disliking the ideology of Islam and the violence that it portrays, although you'll be in denial of that too. Much of the ideology is primitive and violent.



Also, are you going to refute any statistics, or just deny, deny, deny?

One scholar's lessons are more important to me than all the statistics you can share.


It's disliking the ideology of Islam and the violence that it portrays, although you'll be in denial of that too.

Surveys are a terrible means of determining the ideology of Islam. And by the way, so are taking verses of the Qur'an out of context or taking it upon yourself to interpret translations of the Qur'an when you could easily find lectures by people who know the language explaining everything to you. If you are determined to discover the messages brought forth by Islam, understand the message itself through the scope of individuals who have spent years properly studying that information. Just because the ideology can be misunderstood, it doesn't make it primitive.

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One scholar's lessons are more important to me than all the statistics you can share.



Surveys are a terrible means of determining the ideology of Islam. And by the way, so are taking verses of the Qur'an out of context or taking it upon yourself to interpret translations of the Qur'an when you could easily find lectures by people who know the language explaining everything to you. If you are determined to discover the messages brought forth by Islam, understand the message itself through the scope of individuals who have spent years properly studying that information. Just because the ideology can be misunderstood, it doesn't make it primitive.


It's always "misunderstood", right? Come on, you need to open up your eyes. Not all that follow Islam are bad people, but many are, and it's far more people than you want to make it seem.


You keep acting like it's a "few" people, yet these violent acts are happening every single day, always involving those that follow Islam, whether or not they are taking a different view of it, Islam is still the root of what those people are doing.

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It's always "misunderstood", right? Come on, you need to open up your eyes. Not all that follow Islam are bad people, but many are, and it's far more people than you want to make it seem.

You are downplaying the amount of ignorance in the world.


You keep acting like it's a "few" people, yet these violent acts are happening every single day, always involving those that follow Islam, whether or not they are taking a different view of it, Islam is still the root of what those people are doing.

Why are you so caught up with how many people do X, support Y, and believe in Z? Your posts have no basis if you're going to begin by pointing fingers at Islam and end by repeatedly looking at the followers rather than Islam itself.


Islam is still the root of what those people are doing.

That is an incredibly immature argument. So should we view the existence of money as an issue because many don't know how to spend it responsibly?


How about considering the rest of what I said in my last post? If you want to obtain information, get it from the proper sources.

Edited by octoberGR8NESS
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Worth watching: http://edition.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2012/09/23/exp-haroon-moghul.cnn


For the record, I do not support visual depictions of Prophet Muhammad, but to act like that is the only issue with that disrespectful film and is the sole or significant reason behind Muslims' feeling insulted is ignorant.

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I don't know why you're wasting your time Wali.

I just feel that it's disappointing how many people look at Islam in a completely wrong way. I basically told ECN that there are proper and improper sources from which to learn about Islam, and now I'm backing that up with information relevant to the discussion that even addresses some of what he's been saying.

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