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Will Anthony Edwards save the Timberwolves?

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Anthony Edwards is putting up 19/5/3 as a rookie, and it looks like he has a decent amount of room to grow.  He does take a lot of threes for shooting just 33%, and given how aggressive he can be, he could get to the line a lot more.

With him, KAT and D-Lo, can Edwards help the trio achieve a top 8 seed in the conference and make the playoffs?

With all the talent in the world (including Jarred Vanderbilt, who can be a permanent starter on this team), I don't see how they went just 23-49.

The last time they weren't in the bottom 10, defensively, was 2013-14 (12th).  The last time they were in the top 10?  Back in 2005-06, and of course, that's when they had KG.

He may not be a franchise player, but he could be good enough to help them gain some ground on their quest to become a playoff-caliber team.  Is he the guy?

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