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Rod Thorn Answers Questions in Conference Call


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There's a full transcript coming soon, but here are some highlights for now:


Yi is the incumbent at PF


Rod: There will be a significant number of teams under the cap. We will be far enough to sign two max contracts. A lot depends on the development on our young players. He has faith that they'll be better than people think they will, but as to the Big Names..."no one knows" where they're going.


Will Terrence Williams start? "That's up to Coach Frank." Has faith in the versatility of our young players.


He pretty much says that the team wasn't going to win with Carter; expects to be 27-30 million under the cap next year.


On Jarvis Hayes getting his option picked up: "He was terrific last year. His instant offense off the bench helped us in numerous games." Notes his defensive ability, and great locker room chemistry. Says he'll be in better condition for the start of this year (I guess he was a bit winded to start last season?). Could possibly start.



Edited by Waldo
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I don't get how Nets fans can be upset with the way he's handled this. You either play to win or play to win in the future and we tried to win right now and it didn't work so now we are aiming for the future. Even if the cost cutting moves are smokescreened by 2010 dreams, we still will be in a better place next year with this roster if we kept building 28-34 year olds on the team.

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I'm not upset about anything, i am looking forward to the future. We have Lopez and Harris who are the pieces we need to start our build up. We didn't do that when we had Kidd, we move too many pieces around from K-Mart, Carter, Jefferson, Krstic and nothing eventuated from it.


Now we have the most crucial pieces of a team a soon to be star Center and a all-star point guard. If our young players develop strong then we are in a great position to be back in the top end of the Eastern Conference once we sign in 2010 when our cap is looking better.


Very much so looking forward to the Nets future.

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