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UFC 2009

Karl Malone

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  • 2 weeks later...

Meh, pretty overrated IMO. Great graphics and all but gets boring REALLY quick unless you are really into UFC I guess.


I agree that playing against the computer gets boring fast and career mode was a HUGE bust in my opinion, but online play is pretty fun (when you actually find a guy that knows what he is doing and isn't a quitter like 75% of the people are lol).


I haven't played it for about the last week or so (haven't played any video games for that long in fact) but for a first crack at a UFC game, THQ did pretty well. There are a lot of things that they can improve on and that is to be expected seeing how it was their first installment, but all in all it is worth the money if you ask me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
  • Owner

Huge bump.


Is anyone else still playing this game? I finally started winning fights against top fighters in Expert difficulty, lol. I've been able to crush guys like Mark Coleman in Expert for a long time now, but beating someone like Silva or Penn was incredibly tough.

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