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Real Deal

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1. Why so Yama?

Cuz Yama is a sexy beast

2. How come you aint on COD:MW2 no more :(

I don't like that game. I liked MW1, but they added way too much stuff. I'm not a big fan of first person shooters, MW1 was the first one I've ever bought.

3. What do you think about Smitty?

He's a jolly character. I like him. no homo.

4. If you had a big cricket bat and saw Kingfish, what would you do?

I would hit him until he says on camera and posts on OTR: The Warriors are better than the Lakers. hahaha jk

5. Is Brian really the closet homosexual I think he is?

Shhh, we'll let that be our secret.

6. Best Cartoon TV show?

Currently it's South Park. [expletive] Family Guy.

7. Best non-cartoon TV show?


8. You ever gonna smoke marijuana?

Probably not. Hookah is enough for me.

9. When are you going to kerplakistan?

When it gets better. Too ghetto for now.

10. Are you in love?

Unfortunately, yes. It's tough because she has a boyfriend now. :( :( :(



1. do you like mulan rouge

Never seen it.

2. favorite movie

The Dark Knight/The Hangover/Harold and Kumar movies

3. why the warriors

Closest team to my area.

4. can i borrow 5 bucks

After you let me borrow ten.

5. dogs or cats

dogs. don't really like either though.

6. ????


7. xbox 360 > ps3

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


Brand New

1.sup yama

Hey cutie. <3

2.Which college are you attending this fall?

Trying to decide between 2 junior colleges.

3.Casey Blake > Brian Wilson?

Giants > Dodgers. Dodgers suck now haha.

4.Which reno brother would you like to fight?

All three of em at once. You and Brian can help me though cuz we the thugs that run this [expletive].

5.if you were to meet Brian what would be the first thing you would do?

Besides grab his [expletive]? I would say hi.

6.Given the chance to have sex with any two girls who would it be?

Kim Kardashian and the girl I love lol

7.When are you going to buy a 360?

I'm probably not going to buy one bruh bruh.

8.Get rape by brian and his dad or have sex with a girl who has every STD and Aids?

Wear a lot of rubber and [expletive] the chick.

9.do you watch porn?

Kinda, not really though.

10.How often do you masturbate?

Every time you post.



1. Has a better future with the Warriors Ellis or Curry?

Curry. Gonna be a top 5 point guard in the league someday. Yea, I said it.

2. Who is better Kobe or LeBron?

Kobe. Until James develops a jumper as deadly as Bryant's, I don't think he can reach him.

3. Favorite food?

Burritos, pizza, and burgers. Fatass, I know.

4. Do you think Nelson is a good coach?

Good coach to take a team from the bottom to a playoff team. Not much else though.

5. Why is Andris Biedrins so broke from the line?

I haven't taught him how to shoot his free throws yet.

6. #1 think on your bucket list?

Ummmm, kinda hard to think off. Maybe sit courtside at a Warriors game if they reach the finals.

7. Who takes the title in the Big Dance?

Duke :P I hate them!

8. How do you feel about that guy you guys have for a QB in Okaland?

Bruce Gradkowski is great. I don't know so much about the overpaid lineman...

9. ^ Have you gave up on him?

Bruce Almighty. I don't know who else you could be talking about...

10. #1 pick in the 2010 NBA Draft will be?

John Wall



1. Are you gonna take 3 months do this like La Bomba?

Only one month for me bro. lmao

2. If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be and why?

Banana cuz I'm long. ;)

3. Why do the Warriors suck so bad?

I think they got the disease from the Knicks and Mets.

4. Make up your own question...?

Why you so fine Yama? I don't know man, guess I'm just a G like that.

5. Zoolander or Wedding Crashers?

Wedding Crashers

6. Is this a school for ants?

uh, no?

7. You know you trashed swish right?

Yup. Swish did good, but I felt like I had a really good verse. It's all god cause I just trashed a Reno.

8. Roses are red, violets are blue,...finish the line.

You suck and your teams do too. haha.

9. Who is the coolest person to post in this thread (besides smitts ofcourse)?


10. Lightning or Cloud?




What are your thoughts on 'Corey Maggette has never been a part of a winning team'?

He's a selfish player and he hasn't been on good teams.



1. Do you still hate me?

I hate the other Renos more.

2. You get a chance to interview any player in the NBA, who would it be?

Vince Carter. He's my favorite player. Would love to talk to him.

3. Do you see the Warriors making drastic changes this offseason?

Ya, Maggette will be gone. Biedrins and Ellis could be gone too.

4. Monte or Curry?

Like em both the same, Curry will be a better player.

5. In your opinion who is ROY?

CO-roy: Evans and Curry. Just like it was with Grant Hill and Jason Kidd.

6. I would kill you in a rap battle again, right?




7. What does Yama mean?

No meaning. First king of Afghanistan was named Yama.

8. Do you miss Steven Jackson?

[expletive] Captain Jack-[expletive]

9. Warriors have the 4th pick, Wall, Turner, and Johnson are off the board, who do the Warriors take?

Cousins, although him and Nellie will hate each other.

10. ____ will be 2010 NBA Champions. They will win in ____ games.

Magic, 6 games. Biased cause I want Vince to win a title.



1) What's worse, Al Davis in the Raiders FO or Don Nelson as the Warriors' head coach?

Davis. The crap he does these days are pathetic.

2) Who is the best sophomore in the NBA this year?

Derick Rose

3) Which PS3 exclusives are your favorite?

Don't really play that much anymore to know.

4) Who would be the best realistic choice for the Nets coaching job next year?

I think getting Byronn Scott back would be tight, especially if you guys draft John Wall.

5) If the Warriors drafted John Wall and the Nets asked for him, who would you want to receive?

LeBron when you guys sign him lol. Probably Lopez, Lee, and your draft pick.

6) ''''''''''''''''''''''' DeMarcus Cousins'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''?

See above.

7) Who's the next Warriors player you hope to interview?

It will probably be CJ Watson if Swish hooks me up, but I hope it's Curry or Ellis.

8) Do you think Tim Lincecum will deliver after signing a big-time deal that puts him under pressure to perform?

For sure. He's going to dominate this league for years.

9) Who do you predict will win NL Cy Young? Who do you think wins the Halladay-Lincecum matchup?

Lincecum, 3 in a row! Lincecum because Halladay is getting old, and I feel like he is overrated.

10) Who would best fit the job for Warriors head coach?

Someone like Scott Brooks. Young coach that can grow with the team and make them gradually better and better.



1) The #1 ladies man of JBB, Brian or Umair?

Umair. Porno stache ftw.

2) What former JBB member would you try to recruit to OTR if you could?

Karma, MrJ. They were hella cool. They probably are too busy now though.

3) How would you feel if the Raiders picked Tim Tebow? ...in the first round?

I wouldn't be surprised, so I'm anticipating it. I guess it won't be as bad as, Jamarcus as the first pick. <_<


hahaha. Real Deal. Shape is a cool guy, but he never got me Warrior press passes like Brandon did.

5) List 3 OTR members you'd bring with you to a 4 on 4 tag team wrestling match and explain why.

Smitty: Big beast

ALCS: Isn't he like 6'6? I think he could wrestle lol.

N4S: I remember on JBB, I think he said he was hella tall. Size can be an advantage haha.

6) List 3 OTR members you'd actually chill with in real life. (Besides Brian & Franklin hehe)

Smitty, Real Deal, and Yugo.

7) Is Brian gay?

Is the sky blue?

8) If he is, who on OTR should he date? If he isn't..answer anyway. :lol:

I think he would make a great couple with you. You guys can make Rush Hour 4!

9) Should he date you?

Naw, I wouldn't date a guy. Sorry Smitty.

10) Waffles, pancakes, french toast?



Erick Blasco

1) Monta Ellis or Steph Curry?

Better right now: Ellis. Better next season: Curry.

2) What do you want on your tombstone?

Not trying to think of that right now. aha.

3) Don Nelson or Isaiah Thomas

I would rather have Thomas as the coach for next season.

4) What's your opinion on defense?

It wins championships.

5) Name a player who cuts harder to the rim off the ball than Corey Maggette

probably Richard Hamilton and Kevin Durant

6) Do you watch D-League games to scout future Warriors players (has EVERYONE on that team come from the D-League)

Hey, the d-league players we have are actually solid role players haha.

7) Would you watch a movie about Jurrasic Park in Space!

Yea! It'd be cool.

8) Least favorite song that starts with the letter A.

Anything that Kidz Bop sings. lol.

9) Two least favorite school subjects

math and government

10) Rank these TV shows: NCCI, Lost, Dancing With the Stars, The Big Bang Theory, Cops, House

Don't watch any of them. Not a big TV fan besides sports.



1. With the economy on the downturn and retired and older citizens and workers losing their incomes, what's the fastest, most positive solution to bail these people out of the economic ruin?


2. President Bush, you'll remember, once said that "Wall Street got drunk."


A lot of people now look back and think the federal government got drunk and, in fact, the American consumers got drunk.


How would you, if president, try to break those bad habits of too much debt and too much easy credit, specifically, across the board, for this country, not just at the federal level, but as a model for the rest of the country, as well?


3. Is health care in America a privilege, a right, or a responsibility? Please explain your stance.


4. A man wants to build a rectangular enclosure for his herd. He only has $900 to spend on the fence and wants the largest size for his money. He plans to build the pen along the river on his property, so he does not have to put a fence on that side. The side of the fence parallel to the fence will cost $5 per foot to build, whereas the sides perpendicular to the river will cost $3 per foot.What dimensions should he choose?


5. Every month, a girl gets allowance. Assume last year she had no money, and kept it up to now. Then she spends 1/2 of her money on clothes, then 1/3 of the remaining money on games, and then 1/4 of the remaining money on toys. After she bought all of that, she had $7777 left. Assuming she only gets money by allowance, how much money does she earn every month?


6. Would you have a threeway with Franklin and Manislaw for 5 minutes (you in the middle) to guarantee a three peat for the Warriors and for Kobe to suffer a career ending injury (since you hate Kobe).

I don't hate Kobe bruh.

7. You are in a room with Kim and Kourtney Kardashian , one night with them, do whatever you want, no AIDS, nothing. But in the end you must drink two cups of Khloe Kardashian's pee and eat a piece of her poo, would you do it?

How big is the piece of crap? :lol:

8. Would you suck Franklin's dick to save Manislaw and his family. If not, he will kill all of them in front of your eyes and pee in your face.


9. Who would win in a fight, Vin Diesel, or Tyrese?


10. Um, list your top 5 favorite musical artists or whatever stupid [expletive] question...



Kanye West

Lupe Fiasco

Kid Cudi



1. Do you think Stephen Curry will be a top 5 player in the league in 5 years?

Top 5 PG, not player though.

2. What is your thought of Jamarcus Russell?

Not trying to write a 10 page essay on my thoughts of him. haha

3. Who do you want the Raiders to draft?

An offensive linemen that can actually protect our QB and running backs.

4. Do you want the Warriors to trade Monta Ellis?

If it meant getting John Wall or Evan Turner, yes.

5. What's your fav movie?

Dark Knight/Hangover/Harold and Kumar movies

6. Who would u cut more. Al Davis or Don Nelson?

Davis because Nellie will be gone after this next season.

7. What's your fav moment ever for Golden State Warriors?

2007 playoffs was crazzzyyy.

8. Pizza or Tacos?


9. Kobe or Durant?

Black Mamba > Durantula

10. Are you planning to buy Madden this year

Most likely. Love Madden games.

Edited by Legacy
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You got lucky in that battle, if ChosenOne would have kept his mouth shut I don't think the votes would have swayed your way.


Oh well, good job. I'll beat you next time. ;)

Haha if ChosenOne and Prodigy didn't vote you would have lost by even more :lol:

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You got lucky in that battle, if ChosenOne would have kept his mouth shut I don't think the votes would have swayed your way.


Oh well, good job. I'll beat you next time. ;)

Honestly, I think I won that battle by far. Yours wasn't even that good. The Curry line was the only average one. You got 3 votes from the renos. You bro, cousin, and that new dude that joined.

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I respect your opinion, but to be honest your rap was crap I'm not really sure how you got those votes. Whatever I don't care it's a rap battle lol, good luck next round.

To be honest, mines was pretty good. Back on JBB, if you posted that rap you would have been made fun of so much you would have left the site while mines would have actually been liked. Those dudes were tough [expletive] critics. I used to post [expletive] like the one you posted, and I was roasted. Ask Smitty, Brian, and Swish. They know who's rap was good and who's sucked. Anyways, get of my thread and let people read my answers. Go post about the rap in the battle thread which I won. Bye.

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5) Name a player who cuts harder to the rim off the ball than Corey Maggette

probably Richard Hamilton and Kevin Durant

Yama! How could you forget your favorite player? No one cuts harder to the rim off the ball than VC...




Good answers. I keep forgetting to ask questions.

Edited by His Greatness
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Yama! How could you forget your favorite player? No one cuts harder to the rim off the ball than VC...




Good answers. I keep forgetting to ask questions.

I originally typed in Vince just to make Erick mad lol. Vince is too lazy though.

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