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Snack Wrap (Smack That)


I’m really hungry, must head over to McDonald’s

If you want flavor I recommend that you follow.

Cause they got this great thing that only costs a dollar

I take it out, hand it to the cashier

And get myself a:


Snack wrap, I must implore,

Snack wrap, flavor galore,

Snack wrap, I want some more,

Snack wrap, I’ll order four!


Snack wrap, down by the shore

Snack wrap, or out the door

Snack wrap, on the dance floor

Snack wrap, thank you senor!



W...T....F?! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


You are one of my favorite posters now.

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8) List a few things that OTR may not know about you.


I’m half Filipino. I once threw up in three different train stations in one night (Long Island Iced Teas…sometimes you win, sometimes you lose). I play Magic cards very uncompetitively. I once drank Dos Equis and became The Most Interesting Man in the Room. With my beard, I have been compared to Tom Hanks, Jesus, and Grizzly Adams. The Thin Blue Line is my favorite documentary film. Sometimes I give people random playful karate chops without warning. I have a shirt that says “Chick Magnet” with a picture of a scrawny guy flexing his muscles. Needless to say, I’m very self reflexive.


I have an idea for Jurassic Park 4 about dinosaurs in space. In it, Chris Tucker will be a character but he’ll be played by Chris Rock. I want Chris Tucker to direct the film. I read the unabridged version of Les Miserables. It is my life’s crowning achievement. I once took a girl to see Cloverfield. She got nauseous. I never got a second date. I hate seafood with a passion, though I like calamari.


When I play Call of Duty at parties, I always choose sniper no matter how bad I am at sniping and how small the map is. As a result, my friends will throw games where everyone plays with a sniper in tiny maps. I have an uncanny knack for bumping into Dunkin Donuts, even though I don't often eat donuts or coffee.


I come up with parody songs when I’m bored on the train or at work.


Some of my favorites include:


Aqua Teen Masters Student Force


My name is


The white rascal

The fiasco

Your wit is quick?

Well mine is faster

Joe Dodd is a rock star

Partying hard

Getting dubs from the girls

At the strip bar

King Flemming is royalty

King Flemming is authority

He’s from the Danish shore

Scepter in his paw

Crown on his forehead

And a robe stretched to the flo-oor

Uh. Check-Check it. Yeah.

Uh. Check-check it. Come on,

Cause we are the M.S. team!

Get Patkanian drunk!

Make the MFA’s scream!

Cause we are the M.S. team!

Get Patkanian drunk!

Make the MFA’s scream!


Number One in Cuny, G.




Snack Wrap (Smack That)


I’m really hungry, must head over to McDonald’s

If you want flavor I recommend that you follow.

Cause they got this great thing that only costs a dollar

I take it out, hand it to the cashier

And get myself a:


Snack wrap, I must implore,

Snack wrap, flavor galore,

Snack wrap, I want some more,

Snack wrap, I’ll order four!


Snack wrap, down by the shore

Snack wrap, or out the door

Snack wrap, on the dance floor

Snack wrap, thank you senor!



Anything else?


*Nomination for Answer of the Year*

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I actually read Electric Sheep recently and didn't like it. I think the concept for the story was great...I think the writing was bland.


Maybe if there were 200 page asides to Android Law, I'd have enjoyed it more.


I don't think there's any color to Electric Sheep. It's very terse in how it reads, or at least in how I read it, and it eliminates the pleasure in reading it.


I think the problem with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is the gaping plotholes in almost every chapter. There were four or five times where I've just had to stop and flick back a few pages to make sure I didn't miss anything; I didn't most of the time. Apparently Dick was pretty methed up while he was writing this novel, so it sort of explains the plot holes. Just want to throw it out there - the title - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - is the epitome of science fiction titles and will never be beaten!


I've wanted to read Nabokov for awhile now, but always went with something else. Lolita's a classic though, I'm not surprised you enjoyed it.


I highly recommend. I loved it.



I'm not sure where, but you made a passing reference to The Great Gatsby. You know, as a 16 year old teen, I absolutely hated it for what I felt was the wrong portrayal of the American Dream (Like I know, I'm Australian, lol), but having re-read it this year, I actually really liked it. It's probably the most cultured novel I've read in a while, to be honest.

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I think the problem with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is the gaping plotholes in almost every chapter. There were four or five times where I've just had to stop and flick back a few pages to make sure I didn't miss anything; I didn't most of the time. Apparently Dick was pretty methed up while he was writing this novel, so it sort of explains the plot holes. Just want to throw it out there - the title - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - is the epitome of science fiction titles and will never be beaten!




I highly recommend. I loved it.



I'm not sure where, but you made a passing reference to The Great Gatsby. You know, as a 16 year old teen, I absolutely hated it for what I felt was the wrong portrayal of the American Dream (Like I know, I'm Australian, lol), but having re-read it this year, I actually really liked it. It's probably the most cultured novel I've read in a while, to be honest.


I picked out the novel on the title alone!


The Great Gatsby is an attack of one of the conventional portrayals of the American Dream of materialism and upper-class bourgeoisie status. It's ingrained in American culture to try to attain as much as wealth as possible and to increase your standard of living, often with deleterious moral side effects, which Gatsby highlights. It's been awhile since I read it, I should pick it up again. I've been too busy watching documentaries this semester.

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1) What is your favorite team? And why don't you rep them with the logo?


The Phoenix Suns. And that’s a very good question; when I read this, I added the logo rep. Thanks.


2) Is Steve Nash the tougest pg in the league?


Yes. I don’t know how a guy can take as much as he does without letting it affect him. He’s out of his mind.


3) What college are you attending?

Appalachian State University.

4) Blondes or brunnetts?


5) What is your favorite movie of all time?


The Matrix.


6) What three attactions are a must see in North Carolina?


1. The mountains.

2. Charlotte.

3. University of NC Chapel Hill/Duke University (They’re only a few minutes apart).


Note that I did NOT include the beach. Despite the fact that we are touching the ocean, my family goes to South Carolina when we go to the beach because theirs is so much better.


7) Who wins in a finals, Lakers or Celtics?

Celtix. Admittedly, this may be just wishful thinking.


Cotton Camby


1.Sup, dawg?


Well, I graduated high school yesterday.


2. Why the handle "LocalGunfighter"?


It’s from a movie. “Support your Local Gunfighter” is a classic western. Also, it’s catchy.


3. Ethnicity?


White. With no mix-ins. Boring, I know.


4. Something nobody on OTR knows about you?


I had my first triple-double before my first date.


5. Pitcher or catcher?




6. Who do the Knicks get this offseason?


Chris Bosh. He’s already desensitized to the losing.


7. Least favorite OTR personality?


Lakers fans. Booyakasha.


8. Pretty face or bangin body?


Face. No question.


9. Detail your first fist fight.


It was in third grade. I can’t remember what it was about, but I ended up destroying a giant wimpy kid. It was fun.

10. Most beautiful woman on the planet?

The nice girl I went to prom with.



1. I challenge you to a d-d-d-d-d-duel! Do you accept?

This is no time for a duel! You need to get that stutter looked at.


2. Go Pikachu! Do you quit?

Psh. No.


3. Go Kobeasaurus! Did you just crap your pants?



3. I'm fusing my Pikachu with my Kobeasaurus to get, THE PIKAMAMBA! Now you crapped yourself didn't you?

We couldn’t have stopped after Kobeasaurus?


4. Do you wish to use a different Pokemon?

That’s an interesting question. I’m not sure. Let me think about it.


5. Yes or No?

Ok, ok! Yes.


6. Attack, Bag, Pokemon, Run?



7. Don't Run! You still afraid?

Clearly! That’s why I was running!


8. You wanna see a picture of the pikmamba?

Oh, yes! May I!?



Some kids just can’t follow the rules.


10. Nah I'll show a picture of the pikamamba if you want..?, but later...You have no usable pokemon remaining...LocalGunfighter blanked out!

Shoot. That’s always how it goes.


Erick Blasco


1)Thoughts on Arrested Development?


Well, I just Googled it. Seems nice. Unfortunately, I never saw a single episode. And if you’re talking about the medical term for stopped development, I apologize.


2) Would you ever bring a gun to a knife fight?


Yes. I would also bring friends with guns.


3) If you could be fused with a lion, an ostrich, a jackal, Dwight Howard, or a 20 foot blob of ooze, what would you choose and why?


Jackal. They’re ferocious, but not cliché. Also, a jackal has a better jump shot than any of the other things you mentioned.


4) Name the most and least interesting museums you've ever been to.


Most interesting is the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, North Carolina. I love that place. Least interesting is the Art Museum and Gallery at Bob Jones University. To be fair, it’s my own fault for going to an art museum.


5) What is your favorite shade of purple?


There are shades of purple? Seriously?


6) How beautiful are the Carolina Panthers uniforms?


I’m sure the Panthers would appreciate being called “beautiful.”


7) What does having Steve Nash as a favorite player say about you as a person?


That I’m interested in more than a player’s athletic talents; he’s my favorite in no small measure because of the depth of his character.


8) What was the strangest birthday gift you ever received?


In fourth grade, my friends gave me a card with Einstein and Digimon. I’m not exactly sure what they were trying to say.


9) Rank these household appliances on what you'd like to have in case you were attacked: Vacuum, mop, spatula, frying pan, bar of soap, a second mop, bottle of pepsi, large wooden spoon, bucket of water, chair that's difficult to lift, unvacuumed rag.


1. Frying pan

2. Second mop

3. Large wooden spoon

4. Mop

5. Bucket of water

6. Chair that’s difficult to lift

7. Spatula

8. Bar of soap

9. Vacuum

10. Unvacuumed rag. May I assume that you meant “rug?”


I refuse to rank the bottle of Pepsi. That’s not an appliance.


10) If Ric Bucher interviewed you, what would he ask and what would be your answer.


He would ask, “Who are you, and how did you get into my house?” I would answer, “Be quiet and show me where you keep your good silverware.”




1. Do you want to learn an instrument?


I wish I could play guitar. I might just learn, now that I have some time.


2. Which movie is funnier, Borat or Bruno?


Close. I’ll give Borat the edge.


3. Would you consider yourself a redneck?


Yes, I suppose I would. Compared to the average NBA fan, I absolutely am.


4. What is your philosophy on life?


“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” –Mark 12: 30-31


5. If you could live in any country besides USA and Canada, where would you choose?

Japan. My dad lived there for a while, and I hear it’s pretty nice. Also, I’m 6’2”, which is basically Shaq-like in Japan.




1. Favorite member on OTR?


I feel bad picking one, but everything His Greatness posts is worth reading. Erick Blasco gets an honorable mention, but he loses points because “Media Studies” isn’t a real field.


2. Football or basketball?


Basketball, a thousand times over.


3. Have you noticed how KIR is just like FormSpring, except not anonymous?


I’ve never heard of FormSpring, and this would be no fun if it were anonymous.


4. How much cash do you have in your wallet right now?




5. Favorite player other than Steve Nash?


Dirk Nowitzki.


6. Biggest move this offseason (entire NBA)?

Jamal Crawford.


7. What brand names do you usually wear (American Eagle, Hollister, etc.)?


Microsoft. I’m not joking.


8. Favorite video game?


Star Fox 64.


9. Do you like NBA offseason?


Actually, I do. It’s interesting stuff, to me at least.


10. Do you use any forums other than this?




Wade’s World


1. What are your words of an encouragement for somebody that wants to play a sport, but everybody keeps saying negative things to that somebody?


Talent only becomes necessary at high levels of play. To be competitive in school, it really just takes practice and unbridled aggression.


2.) Dwyane Wade vs Kobe Bryant - Who's better currently



3.) Who's your least favorite player in the NBA?



4.) Who's your least favorite player on the Suns?

Ko-Sorry, got on a roll. It’s Amare Stoudemire.


5.) Who's your favorite player in the NBA who doesn't play for the Suns?

Dirk Nowitzki.


His Greatness


1) Favorite Lynyrd Skynyrd album and song?


Pronounced. Freebird. I know it’s cliché, but there’s a reason for that.


2) Thoughts on the Allman Brothers?


I love the Allmans. Skynyrd edges them for me, but they’re one of my favorites. It’s a tragedy that premature death had such an impact on both of these bands.


3) Why Steve Nash?


Skill, creativity, a personality that you don’t see in professional athletes. Also, as corny as it sounds, the fact that he does so much with (comparatively) limited athletic talent is very encouraging to me.


4) Why not the Bobcats?


Because they’re lame. I don’t see how anybody except Gerald Wallace’s Mom could be a fan of the Bobcats.


5) Soccer or women's basketball?


Soccer. Once you get used to the NBA, women’s basketball is like watching ostriches play tetherball.


6) Favorite gun to shoot?


My Smith & Wesson M&P .45 is the best. It’s a bit heavy, but it’s a tough guy and I really like the feel of it.


7) LeBron or Kobe or LeBron?


I’ll take either of the LeBrons.


8) Will Phoenix win these last two?




If there is justice in the world. In other words, no.


9) Do you have an accent?


I have a pretty massive accent. Whenever I go north on vacation, people always ask where I’m from. That and the fact that I automatically order sweet tea at every restaurant. It’s hard to find past Virginia.


10) List a few things we may not know about you.


When I was 14, I was 5’2”, fat, needed an inhaler after I ran for a while, wore glasses, and was in advanced math classes. I never make fun of nerds in school.


I want to get my PhD in astrophysics and work for NASA. Eventually, I want to run the organization.


Hacking into a password protected computer takes me 6 minutes and has a 90% success rate. Making a bowl of macaroni and cheese takes me 18 minutes and has a 75% success rate.


I can beat box pretty well, but I can’t whistle.


I once asked a girl to come with me to a physics lecture. She didn’t.


I can figure out how much energy a star has by measuring the wavelength and intensity of its light. I have no idea how to change the oil in my truck.

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10. Unvacuumed rag. May I assume that you meant “rug?”


*Clears Throat Forcefully* Yes.


Erick Blasco gets an honorable mention, but he loses points because “Media Studies” isn’t a real field.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You mean, you don't recognize ideologically studying television texts to determine what values our culture has, and how those values are enforced as real?


*Reads Own Sentence* Oh man, I've wasted my life!


Good answers!

Edited by Erick Blasco
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Now at the risk of the ban, I now present the ever dangerous PIKAMAMBA











































































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*Clears Throat Forcefully* Yes.




:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


You mean, you don't recognize ideologically studying television texts to determine what values our culture has, and how those values are enforced as real?


*Reads Own Sentence* Oh man, I've wasted my life!


Good answers!


It's okay Blasco, I'm in the same boat as you.








Well more like a yacht but it's all good.

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1. What is your favorite drink?

2. How much do you miss the Nash, JJ, QRich, Marion, Amare does?

3. Do you think Amare will return?

4. Do you want Amare to return?

5. With Dirk opting out, how awesome would it be if he signed with Phoenix?

6. Who is your top three favorite Blazers?

7. Your favorite player in the East?

8. Who is more of a punk? Amare or Garnett

9. If you could make one NBA player retire, which player would it be from the West and East?

10. Who is your favorite rock band?

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1. What is your favorite drink?

2. How much do you miss the Nash, JJ, QRich, Marion, Amare does?

3. Do you think Amare will return?

4. Do you want Amare to return?

5. With Dirk opting out, how awesome would it be if he signed with Phoenix?

6. Who is your top three favorite Blazers?

7. Your favorite player in the East?

8. Who is more of a punk? Amare or Garnett

9. If you could make one NBA player retire, which player would it be from the West and East?

10. Who is your favorite rock band?


1. Monster.

2. Honestly, not a lot. They were exciting, but you could tell that it wasn't a very deep championship-bound team.

3. More than likely, not. Greed and all that.

4. I don't want to lose him for nothing...but I think his trade value is higher than his game value.

5. I would go crazy over that. I'd rather have Dirk than Amare.


1. Joel Przybilla

2. Marcus Camby

3. Brandon Roy

7. Ray Allen.

8. KG. Amare is a little to whiny to be a big "punk."

9. Pau Gasol, Kevin Garnett.

10. Lynyrd Skynyrd.

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Cotton Camby


1. Why did Smitty take (back) my only job?

Because he thinks you suck!

2. Who do you hate the most on OTR?

Don't really hate nobody.

3. Bun B or Pimp C?

Pimp C sounds better.

4. You're starting a franchise, do you take Kwame Brown or Darko Milicic?

I take Kwame Brown and wish MJ isn't my owner.

5. Amundson's ponytail or Morrison's moustache?

Morrison's moustache.

6. Reginald VelJohnson? Yeah?

Hell Yeah!

7. Uncle Joey or Uncle Jesse?

Uncle Joey because he rules. CUT IT OUT!!! so funny

8. Yankees, Lakers, Patriots, Red Wings; pick one.


9. How many licks does it take?


10. [expletive] one, marry one, kill one: Cindy Crawford, Pam Anderson, Smitty.





1. Isn't the dude who asked questions before a little baby?

He thinks it bull[expletive] and thinks you are a pain in the [expletive]!!!

2. Sup?

Nothin chillin man. How about you?


You tell me what's happenin dawg??

4. How you doin?

Im not doin' so good.

5. Whats good wit ya man?

Who the hell you think you are!?? :(

6. Does it annoy that I ask pointless questions that are mostly greetings?

You probably have no clue what to say.

7. Too bad :P, hows it goin?

Im about to kick ur [expletive]!!!

8. Romo or Roethlisberger?

Roethlisberger and im going to support him and hes starting to turn his life around but im still not happy what he did.

9. Yeah todays opposite day so uh, you lose, how you feel about that?

I hate losing.

10. Did you really change your answer for #8 because I told you today was opposite day? .... Wow are you about to go change it again!?!.....Hmmmm





1. Why'd you get an Xbox?

I had it before i got ps3 still got both tho.

2. Favorite poster (you cant choose me :-P)

Not sure there a lot good posters on OTR.

3. Remember when I had that game winner on 2k with Steve Blake in team-up?

Yea, crazy. We need play again sometime.

4. Red Dead Redemption is bad [expletive], right?

Hell yeah. Game so sick.

5. You should watch the World cup ^.^

Not really big on Soccer but if nothing good on ill watch a little.

6. Favorite Soda

Havent drank soda in a long [expletive] time. Only drink water, gatorade, orange juice, milk.

7. Where do you work out (no homo)

I work out at Galaxy Fitness.




1. Why is Smitty so amazing?

Because it Smitty man.

2. Why are you so amazing?

Because im destined for greatness!

3. Is Paul George the real deal?

Who hell is he? lol

4. Is Brandon the real deal?

Of course.

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You gave me a HELL YEAH! for Karl Winslow, you sir are a legend.




Disappointed nobody could take the time out of their day to ask you some questions, but I enjoyed the answers to the ones you got. Thanks!

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1. Have you always lived in Nevada? Yes unfortunately. I can't wait to move out.

2. How tall are you? 6' 1"

3. What sport do you pay attention to the most other than basketball? Football (NFL), no other sport outside of that.

4. Favorite thing to do when bored? Gym. Either shot around or lift weights.

5. After college what are your plans? Well I want to take a year off to travel Europe, and maybe move out and get a place of my own.

6. Outside or Inside? Outside, I can't stand sitting home all day long.

7. Book or Movie? Movie.

8. Favorite restaurant? PF Changs

9. Favorite thing you can actually cook? I can't cook worth [expletive]. Only thing I can make on my own is a sandwich, pretty sad I know.

10. Do you have a Twitter page? I think I do, just never use it.



1. Fave 5 NFL Teams (Since you switch every week lol) [expletive] you, you know I've followed the Ravens for a few years now.

2. Sasha Vujacic is ______________. >>>>>>>Goran Dragic ;)

3. Dream Job? NBA, like every other kid who watches sports.

4. Most annoying member on this forum? There are a couple, I'm not going to name them though.

5. Most hated member on this forum? Same as #4

6. Where do you rank Kobe all-time now? #1, no discussion needed. :)

7. Worst player on L.A.? Luke Walton

8. Why does Sasha think he is so good? He is good, he just needs more minutes to prove it. If I'm Sasha I would demand a trade so I can start for some other team.

9. Why is the Spaniard so homo? Stop hating.

10. If you could sign one bench player for next season to play in L.A., who would it be? Gilbert Arenas as a sixth man would be crazy.



1. Jeet, who has more swag: Prodigy, ChosenOne or Real Deal's beanie? Those two got no swag at all. Real's beanie by a mile.

2. Do you have a Bowflex body? No comment.

3. Cotton Camby vs. HipHopHead in a Hell in a Cell match. Who wins? HipHopHead because a guy named Cotton Camby just sounds hella soft.

4. If Kobe went to the Clippers, would you be a Clippers fan? Lakers first, Kobe second.

5. Am I a nice guy? Too nice.

6. Funniest OTR member? Don't know there are a few.

7. Weirdest OTR member? Danny

8. Craziest OTR member? I have no idea.

9. Most annoying OTR member? See Prodigy's questions.

10. OTR member with most swag. Go. Smitty



1. were you in Nevada of April 2005 or January 2007? Yes

2. Who would you rather have on your team 98-99 Kobe Bryant or 00-01 Allen Iverson. Kobe over Iverson every time.

3. Real Deals Beanie or Kobe Bryants Sweaty Armband? Brandon doesn't sweat lol. I'll take any sweaty garment from Kobe, as long it's not his underwear.

4. If somebody offered you 1,000,000. To prank call Kobe Bryants phone would you do it That's a win-win situation for me, why wouldn't I do it.

4a. For the same amouth would you knock on his door at 3am butt nakedYep.

6. Can I borrow 5 dollars (yes i ask it on every one) Anytime.

7. Strawberries or Cherries Stawberries=top 3 fruit

8. Who is weakest link? Boston Celtics :)

9. Is the hokey pokey what it is really all about? I don't know you tell me.



1. You ballin? Always

2. Abains or Hbains? abains, don't really have a reason

3. You ballin? Knicks aren't

4. Is Kobe ballin? this is possibly the worst question ever asked on KIR

5. You ballin? you ballin?

6. You ballin? :winkglasses:

7. One thing we don't know about you?

8. You ballin? I'm running out of things to say.

9. You mad cause I'm stylin on ya? Yeah man, e-stylin really gets on my nerves.

10. Why you named confidence? Long story. Someone suggested it to Swish a couple years ago but I stole it before he could change it.


Cotton Camby

1. Sup dawg? sup

2. Most hated OTR member? See Prodigy's answers.

3. Most annoying OTR member? (me or fish?!) Too close to call. Coin toss says Fish.

4. F, M, K: Smitty, Flash, Real Deal No comment.

5. Justin Bieber or Backstreet Boys? Bieber is fresh, I ain't no hater.

6. Favorite Thai dish? I've never had Thai food.

7. Uncle Phil? I wish he was my uncle.

8. Who wins the world cup? I'm pulling for Portugal.

9. Boobs or bottom? bottom

10. Would you rather sleep with Helen Thomas or Al Davis? Maybe Helen Thomas in her prime.

Edited by Confidence
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