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How exactly do you find reading a book to be more enjoyable than being high or drunk when you admit just one sentence earlier that you have never done any sort of drug before?


I have no problem if you don't condone the use of drugs but how can you completely judge something when you have never done it before?

Well I'm implying that is something I'd rather do, thus making it more enjoyable for me

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I've never been drunk, but I have drank a couple times.


I used to smoke weed all the time, then I stopped for like 6 years, then I recently started again, but occasionally compared to all the time like I used to.


And just because someone smokes or drinks, doesn't mean it 'defines who they are' lmao. The majority of my friends drink regularly, but it doesn't mean people talk about them as 'the person who drinks'. Maybe you think drinking defines who you are at your age, but when you're legal to drink, it'll be harder to find someone who doesn't drink than someone who does drink.

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Besides me, bluedevil, and steve, are we the only people are drink regularly? haha. I always like to havea good time, and I know drinking I don't need beer to have fun. But its puts in a nice twist on the night. Its college lift. Drink, sleep, school. Yes I have a bar I go to on weekdays, and hit the bar scene on weekends.

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Never have drank alcohol or smoked anything and I never will. Just my preference. I have no problem with people that do it themselves. I do wonder why people are so shocked when I say I don't and never have :lol:


But Jammin is right. When you become "of age" you'll most likely meet more people that consume beer/wine/etc. than the other way around.

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I'm SHOCKED by the amount of people that said they've never had nor will ever consume alcohal. I'm a bit surprised by the weed numbers too. However I know plenty of people who swore they'd never drink and drink all the time. There's nothing really bad about as long as you do it responsibly. Weed is a different story. I've never done so I can't talk on it too much but I do understand the fact that it is a gate way drug and it can lead to the use of a dangerous drug. That being said I stay away from weed, not worth it, plus [expletive] smells terribe.

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Yeah, pot is a gateway drug. Younger people will deny it all day, but the older guys (30+) won't. I don't know if that has anything to do with denial, experience, or what...but it's true.


I've talked about my uncle before on here. He started with marijuana. It was smoking pot, then selling it, then getting mixed up with others who started him in on cocaine, and he will admit that he needed something better than weed, and he found it.


You even see it on television.


There's nothing good about it, either way.

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Pot being a gateway drug is a proven myth; there is no causal link between marijuana and harder drugs. The only gateway is your brain.

Does weed affect your brain?


The chemicals in marijuana bring cognitive impairment and troubles with learning for the user. "Smoking [marijuana] causes some changes in the brain that are like those caused but cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Some researchers believe that has changes may put a person more at risk of becoming addicted to other drugs such a cocaine and heroin."(11) To prevent such harm, one must be cautious of their actions. Those who do not do drugs do not risk harm. So please the next day you light up, remember you that you central nervous system and brain will be at risk.



And I'll listen to a drug-addict, first hand, when he tells me that if he hadn't started smoking pot, he would've never gotten into cocaine.

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Weed seems like such a non-threatening drug to me. I mean obviously you don't want to become a pothead, or at least I don't want to. I've only done it once and didn't even get high, but I want to try it again sometime in the future. There's nothing wrong with getting some weed, getting some snacks, and watching Pineapple Express while you're high.

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I drink almost every weekend or chance I can. I think its a fun time. Idk im very surprised at the number of you saying you will never even drink? that seems kinda nuts to me but I guess I dont know you or your background. But weed on the other hand...dont really like it, so therefore i dont do it.

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Does weed affect your brain?





And I'll listen to a drug-addict, first hand, when he tells me that if he hadn't started smoking pot, he would've never gotten into cocaine.

I meant your brain is the only gateway as in, the people that get hooked on the harder stuff were already predisposed to trying it, pot didn't "make" them. Don't argue it, it's science.


And likewise, my uncle was a heavy drug user, and he tells me that pot had no individual influence on the other drugs because he would've done them anyways. My dad used to smoke three times a day, grow pot in his backyard, and he never got hooked on anything. I smoke on occasion, and I've never felt compelled to try other drugs. First-hand experience.

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I know plenty of people who have smoked pot for years....way longer than I have. It is only a gateway drug if you choose to let it be. If you are smart about it, and don't let it get you mixed up with the wrong people, there is nothing wrong with it.


And as for me personally, smoking weed has never made me want to try other drugs.

Edited by Phightins09
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Weed is a gateway drug to people who are dumb enough to go and do something thats actually addictive. Like I know a lot of kids that are pot heads and because they started smoking pot they went on to snorting pills.

Well, I don't do weed but I know kids who do and they don't do anything else besides that on occassion...I don't find it to be a gateway drug at all.


I drink almost every weekend or chance I can. I think its a fun time. Idk im very surprised at the number of you saying you will never even drink? that seems kinda nuts to me but I guess I dont know you or your background. But weed on the other hand...dont really like it, so therefore i dont do it.



I know plenty of people who have smoked pot for years....way longer than I have. It is only a gateway drug if you choose to let it be. If you are smart about it, and don't let it get you mixed up with the wrong people, there is nothing wrong with it.


And as for me personally, smoking weed has never made me want to try other drugs.

Yeah...that's what I've heard. Of course there are the idiots that say "hey, I did weed, now lets try something better!"

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Well, it's obvious that nothing actually MAKES you try other things. It's in your brain, no matter what. Cigarettes aren't a gateway to chewing nicotine, and vice-versa, if you're saying that it FORCES you to do so...but because you're addicted to nicotine, you could make that decision to chew.


People that smoke weed love the feeling. In fact, it helps with pain. If someone doesn't have weed, there's a bigger chance of them trying hydros than there is of me doing it, true? Therefore, it's a gateway drug, if it increases the chances of the user taking other alternative drugs, even the slightest bit.


Simple question: who's more likely to pop pills: me (not a single cigarette or drink in my life) or a 10-year weed smoker?


If we're being technical about it all, nothing ever forces you into anything else. It's always in your head. That's more of a psychological manipulation.

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