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New 2D Sonic game...in HD?


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Sega planning new 2D, HD Sonic game

Author: Joe Martin

Published: 9th September 2009


Sega planning new 2D, HD Sonic game Sega has teased a new Sonic game for 2010 - a 2D, high-definition one that could mark a return to form



After many, many years of awful attempts to bring the Sonic the Hedgehog series into a 3D universe, with the latest travesty being the terrible Sonic: Unleashed, Sega has finally decided to go back to basics - with a new 2D Sonic.


Codenamed as Project Needlemouse, the game will apparently take Sonic back to his former glory in a completely two-dimensional adventure that'll be rendered in gorgeous high-definition.


The release date listed for the game is an unilluminating '2010' and no platform is listed either, but the mention of HD puts the Nintendo platforms out of the picture and makes a Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 release even more likely.


Aside from that all that's really known about the game is that it will make use of the old-fashioned style of Sonic art, some of which can be seen on the official Needlemouse teaser website. It's also known that the game won't be a simple remake or enhancement of the original games, with the teaser trailer unveiled by GameSpot Australia promising that it'll be an all new adventure built from the ground up for a HD experience.


Finally then, it looks like there may be some hope on the horizon after so many lack-lustre and occasionally disturbing Sonic games.


It's also worth noting that the announcement comes on the tenth anniversary of the Sega Dreamcast, which helps cement the specialness of the occasion.





Thank God it won't be another 3d abomination.

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I don't mean you, silly bish.











































































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I heard about this... games like Sonic and Megaman are best played in 2D environment. Getting them to 3D only complicates things and takes away the speed.


3D makes things realistic, but Sonic and Megaman are more arcade games, and when you try to turn arcade games to more realistic it takes away the real value of the game. This is why Megaman 9 also went back to 2D (went as far as classic pixel :lol: ) on PSN.


3D is more suitable to realistic games like GTA, Metal Gear Solid, etc.

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