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Things you hate at the Gym

Guest VicNabb

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Sometimes when I'm going heavy and I need more rests between sets I will take my phone out and text between sets. You mad?


Unless you're resting for 5 minutes each set (which probably isn't the sign of a good workout), then you don't have a chance at sending any sort of worthwhile text, waiting for a response and then reading the response in under a minute and a half so why not just wait until you're finished what you're currently doing and then text all you like? Better yet, why not turn to the guy closest to you and tell him what you were gonna text?


It's ridiculous that people can't take an hour of their time to do anything beneficial without needing or having some form of communicative gadget glues to their hand at all times.

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People that are on their cellphone the whole time they are working out.




People who go outside to catch a smoke then come back in smelling like cigarettes and hop back on the treadmill.

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I stopped going to the gym a LONG time ago, because I'm not really big on having discussions while working out...and it seemed like every time I went, someone would try and tell me their life story. If I decided I wanted to do some curls, they would just stand there talking, and it was annoying.

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I stopped going to the gym a LONG time ago, because I'm not really big on having discussions while working out...and it seemed like every time I went, someone would try and tell me their life story. If I decided I wanted to do some curls, they would just stand there talking, and it was annoying.


You should get your friends to go with you, so you can avoid that.


That's what I do. Motivates me more as well.

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Unless you're resting for 5 minutes each set (which probably isn't the sign of a good workout), then you don't have a chance at sending any sort of worthwhile text, waiting for a response and then reading the response in under a minute and a half so why not just wait until you're finished what you're currently doing and then text all you like? Better yet, why not turn to the guy closest to you and tell him what you were gonna text?


It's ridiculous that people can't take an hour of their time to do anything beneficial without needing or having some form of communicative gadget glues to their hand at all times.


Wow it takes you 5 minutes to write a text?


-Do a set

-Write a text

-Do a set

-Read response to text

-Do a set

-write response

and it goes on


Don't see what the problem is. You should always take a min or so to rest between sets at least and I don't see how just sitting there staring into emptyness in that same timespan is any more beneficial. Or talking to some dude that's going to drag out a conversation for many minutes. Usually noone bothers you when your texting.


And again I don't do this all the time, just something that happens usually when I have something going on afterwards.

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Wow it takes you 5 minutes to write a text?


-Do a set

-Write a text

-Do a set

-Read response to text

-Do a set

-write response

and it goes on


Don't see what the problem is. You should always take a min or so to rest between sets at least and I don't see how just sitting there staring into emptyness in that same timespan is any more beneficial. Or talking to some dude that's going to drag out a conversation for many minutes. Usually noone bothers you when your texting.


And again I don't do this all the time, just something that happens usually when I have something going on afterwards.



Who said it took me 5 minutes to write a text? =S Some people on here are major retards sometimes. I say 'you can't say anything worthwhile in 5 minutes' idiots interpret it as 'I can't send a text in 5 minutes'. Lead how to [expletive]ing read, for [expletive]s sake.


I clearly said you cannot say anything worthwhile (read that word ten times, maybe then it'll get through to you) to somebody when you're taking these 'long' breaks because you've just been working so gosh darn hard that you feel you need to spoilt yourself by texting your buddy to tell him you're at the gym working hard.. and of course, texting him while the few people around you are judging you for being so desperate for any kind of communication that you can't go an hour without needing to tell somebody what you're doing.


Bottom line is, if you're at the gym, you're there for a reason and the reason probably isn't to be on your phone. If you're so desperate to talk to someone, why not just turn to the person beside you and tell him what you were going to write in your text?


And your quote that people 'wont talk to you if you're texting'. First, apart from being major anti-social, isn't it kind of ironic that you have to text to someone who probably might be at work, or doing something important and may not want to be bothered (but how would you know, right?) just so that nobody will talk to you at the gym?

Edited by AtTheDriveIn
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Who said it took me 5 minutes to write a text? =S Some people on here are major retards sometimes. I say 'you can't say anything worthwhile in 5 minutes' idiots interpret it as 'I can't send a text in 5 minutes'. Lead how to [expletive]ing read, for [expletive]s sake.



Here's a shovel and bucket to assist you with getting the sand out of your vagina.

I clearly said you cannot say anything worthwhile (read that word ten times, maybe then it'll get through to you) to somebody when you're taking these 'long' breaks because you've just been working so gosh darn hard that you feel you need to spoilt yourself by texting your buddy to tell him you're at the gym working hard.. and of course, texting him while the few people around you are judging you for being so desperate for any kind of communication that you can't go an hour without needing to tell somebody what you're doing.


Bottom line is, if you're at the gym, you're there for a reason and the reason probably isn't to be on your phone. If you're so desperate to talk to someone, why not just turn to the person beside you and tell him what you were going to write in your text?


And your quote that people 'wont talk to you if you're texting'. First, apart from being major anti-social, isn't it kind of ironic that you have to text to someone who probably might be at work, or doing something important and may not want to be bothered (but how would you know, right?) just so that nobody will talk to you at the gym?


It's texting dude. It takes like 30 seconds tops to send anything. And no when I text I never tell them what I'm doing unless they ask. Sorry, but I don't go to the gym just to brag about it. Sounds like someone knows that feeling a little too well


Being on your phone isn't some kind of strenous activity that takes a lot of time dude. I have it in case someone needs to know something, or if there is something else going on later in the day to plan it out.


And lol @ you being worried about people judging you. This isn't middle school dude; who gives a rats [expletive].


And sorry, but I don't like the mostly old guy's bothering me talking to me about bull[expletive]. I made that mistake early on and I find myself stuck in conversations that that take way too long.

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:rolleyes: , dude


You're a joke. Simple. I say I don't like people talking on their phone at the gym and you have to ask me if I'm mad. If you don't see a problem with it, then don't be 'that guy' and think that if you don't have a problem with it, nobody else will either, you ignorant prick.


Don't have a problem with people on the phone? Cool, nobody asked you if you did anyway.


Have an urge to be a douche because it annoys others when people are on the phone at the gym? You know what, suck my dick, dude ;).

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:rolleyes: , dude


You're a joke. Simple. I say I don't like people talking on their phone at the gym and you have to ask me if I'm mad. If you don't see a problem with it, then don't be 'that guy' and think that if you don't have a problem with it, nobody else will either, you ignorant prick.


Don't have a problem with people on the phone? Cool, nobody asked you if you did anyway.


Have an urge to be a douche because it annoys others when people are on the phone at the gym? You know what, suck my dick, dude ;).


I see you still havn't used that shovel.



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Chill guys. ATDI you've managed to successfully stir up one of the most ridiculous arguments in this forums history.


And Diesel just tune the dude out. I usually respect your retaliations, but helping that guy carry on an argument as stupid as this isn't really needed. Don't let him make you look stupid with him.

Edited by Gil-Zero
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This one time, this really pisses me off, I went furious, I felt like an angry dragon in the medieval ages flaring out fire at men with shields. He was sweating like a person would sweat in the desert in 100 degree heat but it was in the gym. He had nothing to dry himself with so he spots a 16 year old kid that just got into the gym with dry clothes on. He picks him up and uses the kids clothes as a towel, everyone stared at him in disgust but he thought he was feeling alpha in front of us so he goes ahead and starts bench pressing the kid. The kid in tears, never came back again, still feel bad for that kid. The man from now on always brings a towel because he is so ashamed of his past experiences and doesnt want to pick up another 16 year old kid and rub against him using his dry clothes as a towel.

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This one time, this really pisses me off, I went furious, I felt like an angry dragon in the medieval ages flaring out fire at men with shields. He was sweating like a person would sweat in the desert in 100 degree heat but it was in the gym. He had nothing to dry himself with so he spots a 16 year old kid that just got into the gym with dry clothes on. He picks him up and uses the kids clothes as a towel, everyone stared at him in disgust but he thought he was feeling alpha in front of us so he goes ahead and starts bench pressing the kid. The kid in tears, never came back again, still feel bad for that kid. The man from now on always brings a towel because he is so ashamed of his past experiences and doesnt want to pick up another 16 year old kid and rub against him using his dry clothes as a towel.


WTF? How is this relevant to anything? Just some lame story that is trying to be funny but isn't. At least I didn't laugh at it, not sure if others did though. :-/

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