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Kanye Owns Taylor Swift At VMAs


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Every year MTV has some sort of gimmick, last year the Eminem thing and now this. Look at all of the publicity the stunt has gotten.


I did not watch the VMA's because I've lost a lot of respect for MTV and most main stream artists. The fact that Kanye interrupting a speech os the headline from the show proves just how little credibility the show has as a legit awards show.

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Anyone hear about Katy Perry drilling him after the show? And Pink?


"F--- u Kanye," Katy Perry tweeted while at the show. "It's like you stepped on a kitten."
Pink, who performed at the show, wrote a few tweets about Kanye's rant. "Kanye West is the biggest piece of sh-- on earth. Quote me," she wrote. "My heart goes out to Taylor Swift. She is a sweet and talented girl and deserved her moment. She should know we all love her. Beyonce is a classy lady. I feel for her, too. It's not her fault at all, and her and Taylor did their thing. And douche bag got kicked out."
Kings of Leon's Nathan Followill expressed sadness for losing a Moonman, also noting that he didn't agree with West's tantrum. "We lost damnit. Maybe next year," he wrote. "At least we got to see the worst haircut since 1984 try to steal the spotlight from lovely Taylor Swift."

Haha, Kanye's getting crushed.

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Kanye West is a [expletive]ing racist straight up. How more obvious can it get really?


Little white kids across America will still support him and put $ in the [expletive]s pockets.


[expletive] him.

Edited by VicNabb
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Kanye West is a [expletive]ing racist straight up. How more obvious can it get really?


Little white kids across America will still support him and put $ in the [expletive]s pockets.


[expletive] him.

Yeah, I really tried giving him a chance...but it sure does seem that way.

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I like Pink's comment about Kanye. The guy has always seemed like a douche in the past...this just confirms it. I wasn't watching the VMAs at all to start with, but when I flipped to it, this was the first thing I saw...I was like "Really? What a d*ck".

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Kanye West is a [expletive]ing racist straight up. How more obvious can it get really?


Little white kids across America will still support him and put $ in the [expletive]s pockets.


[expletive] him.




You're taking it pretty seriously dude, lol.

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You're taking it pretty seriously dude, lol.


Your a fan of him I guess.

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Lol @ all the Kanye West bashing. First of all let me straighten this out. Taylor Swift is no where close to as successful as Kanye is. AMA's Kanye - 2, Swift - 1/ Grammys Kanye - 12 Swift 1. So whoever is saying he's jealous of her you can stop saying that. Lol @ all the people acting like he killed someone our something. Some rappers bash the [expletive] out of people in their raps worse than this. Other rappers like TI have a small armies worth of gun's and act like it's no big deal. Yet you lose all respect for Kanye because he had the balls to say what the [expletive] he wanted to say. Seriously get over it shes a big girl, she'll survive.

Edited by Fish7718
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Lol @ all the Kanye West bashing. First of all let me straighten this out. Taylor Swift is no where close to as successful as Kanye is. AMA's Kanye - 2, Swift - 1/ Grammys Kanye - 12 Swift 1. So whoever is saying he's jealous of her you can stop saying that. Lol @ all the people acting like he killed someone our something. Some rappers bash the [expletive] out of people in their raps worse than this. Other rappers like TI have a small armies worth of gun's and act like it's no big deal. Yet you lose all respect for Kanye because he had the balls to say what the [expletive] he wanted to say. Seriously get over it shes a big girl, she'll survive.

It's one thing to bash someone in a rap. That's entire different from getting up during their acceptance speech at the VMA's (and their first-ever, at that) and dogging them.


He wouldn't have done it if it was a dude, either. Kanye would've gotten his jaw cracked again.

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It's one thing to bash someone in a rap. That's entire different from getting up during their acceptance speech at the VMA's (and their first-ever, at that) and dogging them.


He wouldn't have done it if it was a dude, either. Kanye would've gotten his jaw cracked again.

Lol y'all making way to big a deal out of this. It's honestly comical to me the comments I've read. There's child rapist and men that beat women and childern out there and people are saying this guy is the biggest d bag to ever live. Awww poor Taylor Swift she had one of the most successful albums this year and is a huge star and had one little speech ruined. Seriously people, grow up, it's not that big of a deal.

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It's just the fact that not only is mainstream music gone to crap but its the fact that one of the main contributors to this is because these artists use controversial publicity stunts to heighten their careers and popularity.

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