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50 Cent: ''I Wish Kanye Would've Done That To Me, I'd Blacken His Eye''


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lol 50's just sour cause Kanye sold more albums than him. Haha Kanye 12 Grammies 50 none. Lol @ Pink like anyone cares about her too. Pink you used to be something now you are just straight annoying. Kanye - 12 grammies Pink - 2 jealous [expletive] [expletive]!

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lol 50's just sour cause Kanye sold more albums than him. Haha Kanye 12 Grammies 50 none. Lol @ Pink like anyone cares about her too. Pink you used to be something now you are just straight annoying. Kanye - 12 grammies Pink - 2 jealous [expletive] [expletive]!

Dude just shut up already nobody gives a crap about grammies Kanye is a douche bag, all his peers hate him its pretty obvious what kind of idiot he is. Why would you go on stage during someones awards speech and basically say they dont deserve it. Kanye has been crying like a [expletive] all his life and if hes not being a homo wearing gay [expletive] blind sunglasses hes actin like a little [expletive] at awards shows, its not the first time hes done this either. He crys when he doesnt win an award even if its just the stupidest one like an EMSA or whatever that awards show was called.

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Dude just shut up already nobody gives a crap about grammies Kanye is a douche bag, all his peers hate him its pretty obvious what kind of idiot he is. Why would you go on stage during someones awards speech and basically say they dont deserve it. Kanye has been crying like a [expletive] all his life and if hes not being a homo wearing gay [expletive] blind sunglasses hes actin like a little [expletive] at awards shows, its not the first time hes done this either. He crys when he doesnt win an award even if its just the stupidest one like an EMSA or whatever that awards show was called.

Ya and South Park killed that [expletive] hes a ghey fish

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Dude just shut up already nobody gives a crap about grammies Kanye is a douche bag, all his peers hate him its pretty obvious what kind of idiot he is. Why would you go on stage during someones awards speech and basically say they dont deserve it. Kanye has been crying like a [expletive] all his life and if hes not being a homo wearing gay [expletive] blind sunglasses hes actin like a little [expletive] at awards shows, its not the first time hes done this either. He crys when he doesnt win an award even if its just the stupidest one like an EMSA or whatever that awards show was called.



Say what you want about the man, you can't doubt his talent.

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lol 50's just sour cause Kanye sold more albums than him. Haha Kanye 12 Grammies 50 none. Lol @ Pink like anyone cares about her too. Pink you used to be something now you are just straight annoying. Kanye - 12 grammies Pink - 2 jealous [expletive] [expletive]!


what does that got to do with anything.


50 sold more records then kanye overall.


get rich out sold everything kanye has done.


him an pink said whats true, kanye acted like a dick.

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Say what you want about the man, you can't doubt his talent.

Who cares man, yeah hes talented, big deal. Hes still one of the biggest douche bags in American history though. Everything about this guy is just retarded. The funky clothes, hair cuts, those sunglasses with the curtains on them. Hes honestly just an attention seeking whore whos act has gotten old, I cant believe people even support this guy or even go to his concerts. Yeah I admit hes had a few good songs that I liked, but I still dont like him and dont even bother listening to him.

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No one is doubting that Kanye has talent, so you saying that is irrelevant. That's like saying Dennis Rodman is a douche bag and me saying "Say what you want but you can't doubt that he wasn't a good rebounder" or "Tom Cruise is an annoying prick and sucks" but someone saying "Say what you want but he's got talent!". Seriously man, Kanye is a tool, plain and simple. Sure, he's got talent, sure he can produce good songs (I wouldn't know because I don't listen to rap or R&B) but he's still a d*ck and he's still an annoying prick. You can't doubt that.


I'm beginning to think you're a bigger Kanye mark than you say you are. You've done nothing but defend the man when clearly he was in the wrong.

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Dude too many people are using that cam'ron picture

Haha have you ever seen the vid. If you see the vid you will see why so many ppl use it.


I'm beginning to think you're a bigger Kanye mark than you say you are. You've done nothing but defend the man when clearly he was in the wrong.


If you are talking to me I've already admitted Kanye is one of my 3 favorite rappers so I doubt I'm a bigger fan than I say I am. I have not really defended him. I have said more than once on this forum that it was a dick move, however, I think people made wayyyyy to big a deal out of it. Like he ruined her life or something.

Edited by Fish7718
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Haha, dudes are tearing into Kanye.


He ended up deleting a ton of discussion topics on his Facebook fan page, also, and all of his fans on there are going nuts. I've never seen anything like it.


And for some reason, the local radio station cut his songs today. While I don't agree with them doing that, it was still hilarious, and just a small ounce of what's to come for Kanye in the future.


Down with Kanye West.

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