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Nature vs. Nurture


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I sat in Psychology class today in the middle of a debate we had discussing Nature vs. Nurture. A topic that is still being argued and discussed today. For anyone who does not know what it means, Nurture is how one grows up in their society, the type of people they socialize with, etc. Nature is your genetics passed on from your parents. It argues how hereditary (nature) and Environmental Factors (nurture) help shape who we are.


Which side, nature or nurture, outweighs the other, and why?

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I'm in AP Psych and we touched on this as well. I kind of agree with both really. However, I think I'm leaning towards nurture because your friends shape you in many ways. Nurture can also cover your parents as it's the way they act around you. Both seem like they could be right, so I'm really not 100% sure. :P

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